Four bit adder: Difference between revisions

Added Groovy
(Added parameter types. Some formatting changes. Added some types.)
(Added Groovy)
Line 2,471:
* "<tt><-channel</tt>" reads a value from a channel. Blocks if its buffer is empty.
* "go function()" creates and runs a go-rountine. It will continue executing concurrently.
<lang Groovy>class Main {
static void main(args) {
def bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4, carry
def fourBitAdder = new FourBitAdder(
{ value -> bit1 = value },
{ value -> bit2 = value },
{ value -> bit3 = value },
{ value -> bit4 = value },
{ value -> carry = value }
// 5 + 6 = 11
// 0101 i.e. 5
fourBitAdder.setNum1Bit1 false
fourBitAdder.setNum1Bit2 true
fourBitAdder.setNum1Bit3 false
fourBitAdder.setNum1Bit4 true
// 0110 i.e 6
fourBitAdder.setNum2Bit1 false
fourBitAdder.setNum2Bit2 true
fourBitAdder.setNum2Bit3 true
fourBitAdder.setNum2Bit4 false
def boolToInt = { bool ->
bool ? 1 : 0
println ("0101 + 0110 = ${boolToInt(bit1)}${boolToInt(bit2)}${boolToInt(bit3)}${boolToInt(bit4)}")
class Not {
Closure output
Not(output) {
this.output = output
def setInput(input) {
output !input
class And {
boolean input1
boolean input2
Closure output
And(output) {
this.output = output
def setInput1(input) {
this.input1 = input
output(input1 && input2)
def setInput2(input) {
this.input2 = input
output(input1 && input2)
class Nand {
And andGate
Not notGate
Nand(output) {
notGate = new Not(output)
andGate = new And({ value ->
notGate.setInput value
def setInput1(input) {
andGate.setInput1 input
def setInput2(input) {
andGate.setInput2 input
class Or {
Not firstInputNegation
Not secondInputNegation
Nand nandGate
Or(output) {
nandGate = new Nand(output)
firstInputNegation = new Not({ value ->
nandGate.setInput1 value
secondInputNegation = new Not({ value ->
nandGate.setInput2 value
def setInput1(input) {
firstInputNegation.setInput input
def setInput2(input) {
secondInputNegation.setInput input
class Xor {
And andGate
Or orGate
Nand nandGate
Xor(output) {
andGate = new And(output)
orGate = new Or({ value ->
andGate.setInput1 value
nandGate = new Nand({ value ->
andGate.setInput2 value
def setInput1(input) {
orGate.setInput1 input
nandGate.setInput1 input
def setInput2(input) {
orGate.setInput2 input
nandGate.setInput2 input
class Adder {
Or orGate
Xor xorGate1
Xor xorGate2
And andGate1
And andGate2
Adder(sumOutput, carryOutput) {
xorGate1 = new Xor(sumOutput)
orGate = new Or(carryOutput)
andGate1 = new And({ value ->
orGate.setInput1 value
xorGate2 = new Xor({ value ->
andGate1.setInput1 value
xorGate1.setInput1 value
andGate2 = new And({ value ->
orGate.setInput2 value
def setBit1(input) {
xorGate2.setInput1 input
andGate2.setInput2 input
def setBit2(input) {
xorGate2.setInput2 input
andGate2.setInput1 input
def setCarry(input) {
andGate1.setInput2 input
xorGate1.setInput2 input
class FourBitAdder {
Adder adder1
Adder adder2
Adder adder3
Adder adder4
FourBitAdder(bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4, carry) {
adder1 = new Adder(bit1, carry)
adder2 = new Adder(bit2, { value ->
adder1.setCarry value
adder3 = new Adder(bit3, { value ->
adder2.setCarry value
adder4 = new Adder(bit4, { value ->
adder3.setCarry value
def setNum1Bit1(input) {
adder1.setBit1 input
def setNum1Bit2(input) {
adder2.setBit1 input
def setNum1Bit3(input) {
adder3.setBit1 input
def setNum1Bit4(input) {
adder4.setBit1 input
def setNum2Bit1(input) {
adder1.setBit2 input
def setNum2Bit2(input) {
adder2.setBit2 input
def setNum2Bit3(input) {
adder3.setBit2 input
def setNum2Bit4(input) {
adder4.setBit2 input