Four bit adder: Difference between revisions

Added solution for F#
(Added solution for F#)
Line 1,771:
1101 + 0010 = 01111
1101 + 0011 = 10000</pre>
<lang fsharp>
type Bit =
| Zero
| One
let bNot = function
| Zero -> One
| One -> Zero
let bAnd a b =
match (a, b) with
| (One, One) -> One
| _ -> Zero
let bOr a b =
match (a, b) with
| (Zero, Zero) -> Zero
| _ -> One
let bXor a b = bAnd (bOr a b) (bNot (bAnd a b))
let bHA a b = bAnd a b, bXor a b
let bFA a b cin =
let (c0, s0) = bHA a b
let (c1, s1) = bHA s0 cin
(bOr c0 c1, s1)
let b4A (a3, a2, a1, a0) (b3, b2, b1, b0) =
let (c1, s0) = bFA a0 b0 Zero
let (c2, s1) = bFA a1 b1 c1
let (c3, s2) = bFA a2 b2 c2
let (c4, s3) = bFA a3 b3 c3
(c4, s3, s2, s1, s0)
printfn "0001 + 0111 ="
b4A (Zero, Zero, Zero, One) (Zero, One, One, One) |> printfn "%A"
0001 + 0111 =
(Zero, One, Zero, Zero,
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