Four bit adder: Difference between revisions

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(4-bit adder in ocaml)
Line 1,023: Line 1,023:
USER>W N1_" + "_N2_" + "_C_" = "_$P(T,"^")_" Carry "_$P(T,"^",2)
USER>W N1_" + "_N2_" + "_C_" = "_$P(T,"^")_" Carry "_$P(T,"^",2)
0110 + 1110 + 0 = 0100 Carry 1</pre>
0110 + 1110 + 0 = 0100 Carry 1</pre>

<lang ocaml>
(* File

A block is just a black box with nin input lines and nout input lines,
numbered from 0 to nin-1 and 0 to nout-1 respectively. It will be stored
in a caml record, with the operation stored as a function. A value on
a line is represented by a boolean value. *)

type block = { nin:int; nout:int; apply:bool array -> bool array };;

(* First we need function for boolean conversion to and from integer values,
mainly for pretty printing of results *)

let int_of_bits nbits v =
if (Array.length v) <> nbits then failwith "bad args"
(let r = ref 0L in
for i=nbits-1 downto 0 do
r := Int64.add (Int64.shift_left !r 1) (if v.(i) then 1L else 0L)

let bits_of_int nbits n =
let v = Array.make nbits false
and r = ref n in
for i=0 to nbits-1 do
v.(i) <- (Int64.logand !r 1L) <>;
r := Int64.shift_right_logical !r 1

let input nbits v =
let n = Array.length v in
let w = Array.make (n*nbits) false in
for i=0 to n-1 do
Array.blit (bits_of_int nbits v.(i)) 0 w (i*nbits) nbits
let output nbits v =
let nv = Array.length v in
let r = nv mod nbits and n = nv/nbits in
if r <> 0 then failwith "bad output size" else
let w = Array.make n 0L in
for i=0 to n-1 do
w.(i) <- int_of_bits nbits (Array.sub v (i*nbits) nbits)

(* We have a type for blocks, so we need operations on blocks.

assoc: make one block from two blocks, side by side (they are not connected)
serial: connect input from on block to output of another block
parallel: make two output from one input passing through two blocks
block_array: an array of block linked by the same connector (assoc, serial, parallel) *)

let assoc a b =
{ nin=a.nin+b.nin; nout=a.nout+b.nout; apply=function
bits -> Array.append
(a.apply (Array.sub bits 0 a.nin))
(b.apply (Array.sub bits a.nin b.nin)) };;

let serial a b =
if a.nout <> b.nin then
failwith "[serial] bad block"
{ nin=a.nin; nout=b.nout; apply=function
bits -> b.apply (a.apply bits) };;

let parallel a b =
if a.nin <> b.nin then
failwith "[parallel] bad blocks"
else { nin=a.nin; nout=a.nout+b.nout; apply=function
bits -> Array.append (a.apply bits) (b.apply bits) };;

let block_array comb v =
let n = Array.length v
and r = ref v.(0) in
for i=1 to n-1 do
r := comb !r v.(i)

(* wires

map: map n input lines on length(v) output lines, using the links out(k)=v(in(k))
pass: n wires not connected (out(k) = in(k))
fork: a wire is developped into n wires having the same value
perm: permutation of wires
forget: n wires going nowhere
sub: subset of wires, other ones going nowhere *)

let map n v = { nin=n; nout=Array.length v; apply=function
bits -> (function k -> bits.(k)) v };;

let pass n = { nin=n; nout=n; apply=function
bits -> bits };;

let fork n = { nin=1; nout=n; apply=function
bits -> Array.make n bits.(0) };;

let perm v =
let n = Array.length v in
{ nin=n; nout=n; apply=function
bits -> Array.init n (function k -> bits.(v.(k))) };;
let forget n = { nin=n; nout=0; apply=function
bits -> [| |] };;

let sub nin nout where = { nin=nin; nout=nout; apply=function
bits -> Array.sub bits where nout };;

(* basic blocks

dummy: no input, no output, usually not useful
const: n wires with constant value (true or false)
encode: translates an Int64 into boolean values, keeping only n lower bits
bnand: NAND gate, the basic building block for all the other basic gates (or, and, not...) *)

let dummy = { nin=0; nout=0; apply=function
bits -> bits };;

let const b n = { nin=0; nout=n; apply=function
bits -> Array.make n b };;

let encode nbits x = { nin=0; nout=nbits; apply=function
bits -> bits_of_int nbits x };;

let bnand = { nin=2; nout=1; apply=function
[| a; b |] -> [| not (a && b) |] | _ -> failwith "bad args" };;

(* block evaluation : returns the value of the output, given an input and a block. *)

let eval block nbits_in nbits_out v =
output nbits_out (block.apply (input nbits_in v));;

(* building a 4-bit adder *)

(* first we build the usual gates *)

let bnot = serial (fork 2) bnand;;

let band = serial bnand bnot;;

(* a or b = !a nand !b *)
let bor = serial (assoc bnot bnot) bnand;;

(* line "a" -> two lines, "a" and "not a" *)
let a_not_a = parallel (pass 1) bnot;;

let bxor = block_array serial [|
assoc a_not_a a_not_a;
perm [| 0; 3; 1; 2 |];
assoc band band;
bor |];;
let half_adder = parallel bxor band;;

(* bits C0,A,B -> S,C1 *)
let full_adder = block_array serial [|
assoc half_adder (pass 1);
perm [| 1; 0; 2 |];
assoc (pass 1) half_adder;
perm [| 1; 0; 2 |];
assoc (pass 1) bor |];;

(* 4-bit adder *)
let add4 = block_array serial [|
assoc (const false 1) (perm [| 0; 4; 1; 5; 2; 6; 3; 7 |]);
assoc full_adder (pass 6);
assoc (assoc (pass 1) full_adder) (pass 4);
assoc (assoc (pass 2) full_adder) (pass 2);
assoc (pass 3) full_adder |];;

(* 4-bit adder and three supplementary lines to make a multiple of 4 (to translate back to 4-bit integers) *)
let add4_io = assoc add4 (const false 3);;

(* wrapping the 4-bit to input and output integers instead of booleans
plus a b -> (sum,carry)
let plus a b =
let v = Int64.to_int
(eval add4_io 4 4 ( Int64.of_int [| a; b |])) in
v.(0), v.(1);;


<lang ocaml>
# open Blocks;;

# plus 4 5;;
- : int * int = (9, 0)

# plus 15 1;;
- : int * int = (0, 1)

# plus 15 15;;
- : int * int = (14, 1)

# plus 0 0;;
- : int * int = (0, 0)

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