Formatted numeric output: Difference between revisions

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<lang vb>Option Explicit

Sub Main()
Debug.Print fFormat(13, 2, 1230.3333)
Debug.Print fFormat(2, 13, 1230.3333)
Debug.Print fFormat(10, 5, 0.3333)
Debug.Print fFormat(13, 2, 1230)
End Sub

Private Function fFormat(NbInt As Integer, NbDec As Integer, Nb As Double) As String
'NbInt : Lenght of integral part
'NbDec : Lenght of decimal part
'Nb : decimal on integer number
Dim u As String, v As String, i As Integer
u = CStr(Nb)
i = InStr(u, Application.DecimalSeparator)
If i > 0 Then
v = Mid(u, i + 1)
u = Left(u, i - 1)
fFormat = Right(String(NbInt, "0") & u, NbInt) & Application.DecimalSeparator & Left(v & String(NbDec, "0"), NbDec)
fFormat = Right(String(NbInt, "0") & u, NbInt) & Application.DecimalSeparator & String(NbDec, "0")
End If
End Function
