Fork: Difference between revisions

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# child code</lang>
# child code</lang>


Looks like there are two popular things that people do for this task, so here
are both. First, run some subprocess independently of Racket:

<lang Racket>
#lang racket
(define-values [P _out _in _err]
(subprocess (current-output-port) (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
(find-executable-path "du") "-hs" "/usr/share"))
;; wait for process to end, print messages as long as it runs
(let loop () (unless (sync/timeout 10 P) (printf "Still running...\n") (loop)))

Still running...
Still running...
Still running...
15G /usr/share

Second, using fork() in its raw form, which is doable in racket, but as unsafe as you'd expect it to be:

<lang Racket>
#lang racket
(require ffi/unsafe)
(define fork (get-ffi-obj 'fork #f (_fun -> _int)))
(printf ">>> fork() => ~s\n" (fork))

>>> fork() => 23834
>>> fork() => 0
