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=={{header|X86 Assembly}}==
=={{header|X86-64 Assembly}}==
===UASM 2.52===
<lang asm>
option casemap:none

windows64 equ 1
linux64 equ 3

ifndef __THREAD_CLASS__
__THREAD_CLASS__ equ 1

if @Platform eq windows64
option dllimport:<kernel32>
CreateThread proto :qword, :qword, :qword, :qword, :dword, :qword
HeapAlloc proto :qword, :dword, :qword
HeapFree proto :qword, :dword, :qword
ExitProcess proto :dword
GetProcessHeap proto
option dllimport:<none>
exit equ ExitProcess
elseif @Platform eq linux64
pthread_create proto :qword, :qword, :qword, :qword
malloc proto :qword
free proto :qword
exit proto :dword

printf proto :qword, :vararg

CLASS thread
CMETHOD createthread
tid dq ?
hThread dq ?

METHOD thread, Init, <VOIDARG>, <>
mov rax, thisPtr

METHOD thread, createthread, <VOIDARG>, <>, lpCode:qword, arg:qword
local z:qword,x:qword

mov rbx, thisPtr
assume rbx:ptr thread
mov z, lpCode
mov x, 0
.if arg != 0
mov x, arg
if @Platform eq windows64
invoke CreateThread, 0, 0, z, x, 0, addr [rbx].tid
.if rax == 0
mov rax, -1
elseif @Platform eq linux64
invoke pthread_create, addr [rbx].tid, 0, z, x
.if rax != 0
mov rax, -1
mov [rbx].hThread, rax
assume rbx:nothing

METHOD thread, Destroy, <VOIDARG>, <>
;; We should close all thread handles here..
;; But I don't care. In this example, exit does it for me. :]

endif ;;__THREAD_CLASS__

thChild proto


main proc
local pThread:ptr thread

mov pThread, _NEW(thread)
invoke printf, CSTR("--> Main thread spwaning child thread...",10)
lea rax, thChild
pThread->createthread(rax, 0)
;; Just a loop so Exit doesn't foobar the program.
;; No reason to include and call Sleep just for this.. -.-
mov rcx, 20000
add rax, 1
loop @B
invoke exit, 0
main endp

thChild proc
invoke printf, CSTR("--> Goodbye, World! from a child.... thread.",10)
mov rax, 0
thChild endp

I've written a subroutine that prints out any positive value. It lives on my desktop and you can't find it on rosetta code.
I've written a subroutine that prints out any positive value. It lives on my desktop and you can't find it on rosetta code.
I've also written a sleep subroutine and you can find that in the Sleep task on this site.
I've also written a sleep subroutine and you can find that in the Sleep task on this site.