Fork: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Updated to make the program able to compile and execute. Added output.
Jjuanhdez (talk | contribs)
Fork en FreeBASIC
Line 669: Line 669:
child pid ez volt: 2123
child pid ez volt: 2123

En Windows sin usar, podemos usar un comando vbscript
<lang freebasic>
Function script(s As String) As String
Dim As String g = _
"Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"")" + _
Chr(13,10) + "Return = WshShell.Run("""+s+" "",1,0)"
Return g
End Function

Function guardaArchivo(nombreArchivo As String, p As String) As String
Dim As Long n = Freefile
If Open (nombreArchivo For Binary Access Write As #n) = 0 Then
Put #n,,p
Print "No se puede guardar " + nombreArchivo : Sleep : End
End If
Return nombreArchivo
End Function

Sub ejecutaScript(nombreArchivo As String)
Shell "cscript.exe /Nologo " + nombreArchivo
End Sub

Var g = script("notepad.exe") '<< ejecuta este .exe (notepad como demo)
Dim As String s
Print "Hola"
Input "Teclee algo: ", s
Print s
Kill "script.vbs"