Flipping bits game: Difference between revisions

(Added Wren)
(Add BCPL)
Line 1,175:
You win! Moves: 3 </pre>
<lang bcpl>get "libhdr"
static $( randstate = ? $)
let rand() = valof
$( randstate := random(randstate)
resultis randstate >> 7
let showboard(size, board, goal) be
$( writes(" == BOARD == ")
for i=1 to 19 do wrch(' ')
writes(" == GOAL ==*N")
for i=1 to 2
$( writes(" ")
for j=1 to size do writef(" %N",j)
test i=1 for j=1 to 30-2*size do wrch(' ') or wrch('*N')
for row=0 to size-1 for i=1 to 2
$( writef("%C.", 'A'+row)
for col=0 to size-1 do
writef(" %N", (i=1->board,goal)!(row*size+col))
test i=1 for j=1 to 30-2*size do wrch(' ') or wrch('*N')
let readmove(size) = valof
$( let ch = ? and x = ?
writes("Enter row or column, or Q to quit: ")
ch := rdch()
unless ch = '*N' x := rdch() repeatuntil x = '*N'
ch := ch | 32;
if ch = 'q' | ch = endstreamch finish
if 0 <= (ch-'1') < size | 0 <= (ch-'a') < size resultis ch
$) repeat
let flip(size, board, n, col) be
test col
do flipcol(size, board, n)
or fliprow(size, board, n)
and flipcol(size, board, n) be
for i=0 to size-1 do
board!(i*size+n) := 1-board!(i*size+n)
and fliprow(size, board, n) be
for i=0 to size-1 do
board!(n*size+i) := 1-board!(n*size+i)
let makegoal(size, goal) be
for i=0 to size*size-1 do goal!i := rand() & 1
let makeboard(size, board, goal) be
$( for i=0 to size*size-1 do board!i := goal!i
for i=0 to 10+2*(rand() & 15) do
flip(size, board, rand() rem size, rand() & 1)
let win(size, board, goal) = valof
$( for i=0 to size*size-1
unless board!i = goal!i resultis false
resultis true
let play(size, board, goal) be
$( let moves = 0 and move = ?
$( showboard(size, board, goal)
if win(size, board, goal)
$( writef("You won in %N moves!*N", moves)
moves := moves + 1
move := readmove(size)
test '0' <= move <= '9'
do flipcol(size, board, move-'1')
or fliprow(size, board, move-'a')
$) repeat
let start() be
$( let board = vec 63 and goal = vec 63
let size = ?
writef("****** FLIP THE BITS *******N")
$( writef("Size (3-8)? ")
size := readn()
$) repeatuntil 3 <= size <= 8
writef("Random number seed? ")
randstate := readn()
makegoal(size, goal)
makeboard(size, board, goal)
play(size, board, goal)
<pre>*** FLIP THE BITS ***
Size (3-8)? 3
Random number seed? 0
== BOARD == == GOAL ==
1 2 3 1 2 3
A. 1 0 1 A. 0 1 1
B. 0 1 0 B. 1 0 0
C. 1 0 0 C. 1 0 1
Enter row or column, or Q to quit: 3
== BOARD == == GOAL ==
1 2 3 1 2 3
A. 1 0 0 A. 0 1 1
B. 0 1 1 B. 1 0 0
C. 1 0 1 C. 1 0 1
Enter row or column, or Q to quit: A
== BOARD == == GOAL ==
1 2 3 1 2 3
A. 0 1 1 A. 0 1 1
B. 0 1 1 B. 1 0 0
C. 1 0 1 C. 1 0 1
Enter row or column, or Q to quit: B
== BOARD == == GOAL ==
1 2 3 1 2 3
A. 0 1 1 A. 0 1 1
B. 1 0 0 B. 1 0 0
C. 1 0 1 C. 1 0 1
You won in 3 moves!</pre>
