Flipping bits game: Difference between revisions

Added Maple implementation.
(The code could be a bit shorter if we trusted that the input is formatted correctly.)
(Added Maple implementation.)
Line 1,755:
Completed in 3 moves.</pre>
<lang maple>FlippingBits := module()
export ModuleApply;
local gameSetup, flip, printGrid, checkInput;
local board;
gameSetup := proc(n)
local r, c, i, toFlip, target;
(*target := Array(1..n, 1..n):
for r to n do
for c to n do
target[r, c] := rand(0..1)();
end do;
end do;*)
target := Array( 1..n, 1..n, rand(0..1) );
board := copy(target);
for i to rand(3..9)() do
toFlip := [0, 0];
toFlip[1] := StringTools[Random](1, "rc");
toFlip[2] := convert(rand(1..n)(), string);
end do;
return target;
end proc;
flip := proc(line)
local i, lineNum;
lineNum := parse(op(line[2..-1]));
for i to upperbound(board)[1] do
if line[1] = "R" then
board[lineNum, i] := `if`(board[lineNum, i] = 0, 1, 0);
board[i, lineNum] := `if`(board[i, lineNum] = 0, 1, 0);
end if;
end do;
return NULL;
end proc;
printGrid := proc(grid)
local r, c;
for r to upperbound(board)[1] do
for c to upperbound(board)[1] do
printf("%a ", grid[r, c]);
end do;
end do;
return NULL;
end proc;
checkInput := proc(input)
if input[1] = "" then
return false, "";
elif not input[1] = "R" and not input[1] = "C" then
return false, "Please start with 'r' or 'c'.";
elif not type(parse(op(input[2..-1])), posint) then
elif parse(op(input[2..-1])) < 1 or parse(op(input[2..-1])) > upperbound(board)[1] then
return false, "Row or column number too large or too small.";
end if;
return false, "Please indicate a row or column number."
end try;
return true, "";
end proc;
ModuleApply := proc(n)
local gameOver, toFlip, target, answer, restart;
restart := true;
while restart do
target := gameSetup(n);
while ArrayTools[IsEqual](target, board) do
target := gameSetup(n);
end do;
gameOver := false;
while not gameOver do
printf("The Target:\n");
printf("The Board:\n");
if ArrayTools[IsEqual](target, board) then
printf("You win!! Press enter to play again or type END to quit.\n\n");
answer := StringTools[UpperCase](readline());
gameOver := true;
if answer = "END" then
restart := false
end if;
toFlip := ["", ""];
while not checkInput(toFlip)[1] and not gameOver do
ifelse (not op(checkInput(toFlip)[2..-1]) = "", printf("%s\n\n", op(checkInput(toFlip)[2..-1])), NULL);
printf("Please enter a row or column to flip. (ex: r1 or c2) Press enter for a new game or type END to quit.\n\n");
answer := StringTools[UpperCase](readline());
if answer = "END" or answer = "" then
gameOver := true;
if answer = "END" then
restart := false;
end if;
end if;
toFlip := [substring(answer, 1), substring(answer, 2..-1)];
end do;
if not gameOver then
end if;
end if;
end do;
end do;
printf("Game Over!\n");
end proc;
end module:
The Target:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 1
The Board:
0 1 1
0 1 1
0 0 1
Please enter a row or column to flip. (ex: r1 or c2) Press enter for a new game or type END to quit.
The Target:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 1
The Board:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 1
You win!! Press enter to play again or type END to quit.
Size can be passed in as an argument or entered after a prompt.