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Show an example of a short game here, on this page, for a 3 by 3 array of bits.
Show an example of a short game here, on this page, for a 3 by 3 array of bits.

=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==

This program runs under CP/M and takes the board size from the command line.

<lang 8080asm> ;;; Flip the Bits game, CP/M version.
;;; CP/M zero page locations
cmdln: equ 80h
;;; CP/M system calls
getch: equ 1h
putch: equ 2h
rawio: equ 6h
puts: equ 9h
org 100h
;;; Retrieve command line input. If it is not correct, end.
lxi d,usage ; Usage string
mvi c,puts ; Print that string when we need to
lxi h,cmdln ; Pointer to command line
mov a,m ; Get length
ana a ; Zero?
jc 5 ; Then print and stop
inx h ; Advance to first non-space element
inx h
mov a,m ; Get first character
sui '3' ; Minimum number
jc 5 ; If input was less than that, print and stop
adi 3 ; Add 3 back, giving the board size
cpi 9 ; Is it higher than 8 now?
jnc 5 ; Then print usage and stop
sta boardsz ; Store the board size
;;; Because there's no standard way in CP/M to get at any
;;; entropy (not even a clock), ask the user to supply some
;;; by pressing the keys on the keyboard.
lxi d,presskeys
call outs
mvi b,8 ; we want to do this 8 times, for 24 keys total
randouter: mvi c,3 ; there are 3 bytes of state for the RNG
lxi h,xabcdat+1
randinner: push h ; keep the pointer and counters
push b
waitkey: mvi c,rawio
mvi e,0FFh
call 5
ana a
jz waitkey
pop b ; restore the pointer and counters
pop h
xra m ; XOR key with data
mov m,a
inx h
dcr c ; Have we had 3 bytes yet?
jnz randinner
dcr b ; Have we done it 8 times yet?
jnz randouter
lxi d,welcome
call outs
;;; Generate a random board
lxi h,board
lxi b,4001h ; B=81, C=1
genrand: call xabcrand
ana c
mov m,a
inx h
dcr b
jnz genrand
;;; Copy board into goal
lxi h,board
lxi d,goal
mvi b,64
copygoal: mov a,m
stax d
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz copygoal
;;; Do a bunch of random flips on the board (5-20)
call xabcrand
ani 0Fh ; 0..15 flips
adi 5 ; 5..20 flips
sta sysflips
mov b,a ; Do that many flips
randflip: call xabcrand
call flip ; Unused bits in the random number are ignored
dcr b
jnz randflip
;;; Print the current state
gamestate: lxi d,smoves
call outs
lda usrflips
call outanum
lxi d,sgoal
call outs
lda sysflips
call outanum
lxi d,newline
call outs
;;; Print the current board and the goal
;;; Print the header first
lxi d,sboardhdr
call outs
lda boardsz
lxi d,2041h ; E=letter (A), D=space
add e ; Last letter
mov b,a ; B = last letter
mvi l,2 ; Print two headers
header: mvi e,'A'
mov a,d
call outaspace
headerpart: mov a,e
cmp b
jc headerltr
mov a,d ; Print spaces for invalid positions
headerltr: call outaspace
mov a,e
inr a
mov e,a
cpi 'A'+8
jc headerpart
mvi a,9
call outa
dcr l ; Print two headers (for two boards)
jnz header
lxi d,newline
call outs
;;; Then print each line of the board
mvi c,0 ; Start with line 0
printline: lxi h,board ; Get position on board
mvi d,2 ; Run twice - print board and goal
prbrdline: mvi a,'1' ; Print line number
add c
call outaspace
push d
mov a,c ; Line offset in board
mov e,a
mvi d,0
dad d ; Add line offset
pop d ; Restore board counter
mvi b,0 ; Start with column 0
printcol: lda boardsz ; Valid position?
dcr a
cmp b
jnc printbit
mvi a,' ' ; No - print space
jmp printpos
printbit: mov a,m ; Yes - print 0 or 1
adi '0'
printpos: call outaspace
inx h ; Next board pos
inr b
mov a,b ; Done yet?
cpi 8
jnz printcol ; If not, print next column
mvi a,9
call outa
lxi h,goal ; Print goal line next
dcr d
jnz prbrdline
mvi a,13 ; Print newline
call outa
mvi a,10
call outa
inr c ; Next line
lda boardsz ; Valid line?
dcr a
cmp c
jnc printline
;;; Prompt the user for a move
lxi d,prompt ; Print prompt
call outs
readinput: mvi c,getch ; Read character
call 5
ori 32 ; Make letters lowercase
cpi 'q' ; Quit?
cpi '9'+1 ; 9 or lower? assume number
jc nummove
sui 'a' ; Otherwise, assume letter
jc invalid ; So <'a' is invalid input
call checkmove ; See if the move is valid
jc invalid ; If not, wrong input
ori 128 ; Set high bit for column flip
call flip ; Do the flip
jmp checkboard ; See if the game is won
nummove: sui '1' ; Board array is 0-based of course
jc invalid ; Not on board = invalid input
call checkmove ; See if the move is vali
jc invalid
call flip ; Do the move (high bit clear for row)
;;; See if the user has won
checkboard: lda boardsz
dcr a
mov b,a ; B = line
checkrow: lda boardsz
dcr a
mov c,a ; C = column
checkcol: mov a,b
rlc ; Line * 8
add c ; + column = offset
push b ; Store line/column
mvi h,0 ; Position offset
mov l,a
lxi d,board ; Get board
dad d
mov b,m ; B = board position
lxi d,64 ; Goal = board+64
dad d
mov a,m ; A = goal position
cmp b ; Are they the same?
pop b ; Restore line/column
jnz nowin ; If not, the user hasn't won
dcr c ; If so, try next column position
jp checkcol
dcr b ; If column done, try next row
jp checkrow
;;; If we get here, the user has won
lxi d,win
jmp outs
;;; The user hasn't won yet, get another move
nowin: lxi h,usrflips ; Increment the user flips
inr m
jmp gamestate ; Print new game state, get new move
;;; Invalid input: erase it, beep, and get another character
invalid: lxi d,nope
call outs
jmp readinput
;;; Check if the move in A is valid. Set carry if not.
checkmove: mov b,a
lda boardsz
dcr a
cmp b
mov a,b
;;; Flip row or column A & 7 (zero-indexed) on the board.
;;; Bit 7 set = column, else row.
flip: rlc ; Test bit 7 (and A*2)
jc flipcol
;;; Flip row
push b ; Keep registers
push h
ani 0Eh ; Get row number
rlc ; Calculate offset, A*4
rlc ; A*8
mvi b,0 ; BC = A
mov c,a
lxi h,board ; Get board pointer
dad b ; Add row offset
lxi b,0801h ; Max. 8 bits, and C=1 (to flip)
fliprowbit: mov a,m ; Get position
xra c ; Flip position
mov m,a ; Store position
inx h ; Increment pointer
dcr b ; Done yet?
jnz fliprowbit
pop h ; Restore registers
pop b
;;; Flip column
flipcol: push b ; Keep registers
push d
push h
rrc ; Rotate A back
ani 7 ; Get column number
mvi d,0 ; Column offset
mov e,a
lxi h,board ; Get board pointer
dad d ; Add column offset
mvi e,8 ; Advance by 8 each time through the loop
lxi b,0801h ; Max. 8 bits, and C=1 (to flip)
flipcolbit: mov a,m ; Get position
xra c ; Flip position
mov m,a ; Store position
dad d ; Next row
dcr b ; Done yet?
jnz flipcolbit
pop h ; Restore registers
pop d
pop b
;;; The "X ABC" 8-bit random number generator
xabcrand: push h
lxi h,xabcdat
inr m ; X++
mov a,m ; X,
inx h ;
xra m ; ^ C,
inx h ;
xra m ; ^ A,
mov m,a ; -> A
inx h
add m ; + B,
mov m,a ; -> B
rar ; >>1
dcx h
xra m ; ^ A,
dcx h
add m ; + C
mov m,a ; -> C
pop h
;;; Print the string in DE. This saves one byte per call.
outs: mvi c,puts
jmp 5
;;; Print the number in A in decimal, preserving registers
outanum: push psw
push b
push d
push h
lxi d,outabuf+3
outadgt: mvi b,-1
outdivmod: inr b
sui 10
jnc outdivmod
adi 10+'0'
dcx d
stax d
mov a,b
ana a
jnz outadgt
call outs
jmp regrestore
outabuf: db '***$' ; Room for ASCII number
;;; Print the character in A followed by a space, preserving
;;; registers.
outaspace: call outa
push psw
mvi a,' '
call outa
pop psw
;;; Print the character in A, preserving all registers.
outa: push psw
push b
push d
push h
mov e,a
mvi c,putch
call 5
regrestore: pop h
pop d
pop b
pop psw
;;; Strings
usage: db 'Usage: FLIP [3..8], number is board size.$'
presskeys: db 'Please press some keys to generate a random state...$'
welcome: db 'done.',13,10,13,10
db '*** FLIP THE BITS *** ',13,10
db '--------------------- ',
newline: db 13,10,'$'
smoves: db 13,10,13,10,'Your flips: $'
sgoal: db 9,'Goal: $'
sboardhdr: db '--Board------------',9,'--Goal-------------',13,10,'$'
prompt: db 'Press line or column to flip, or Q to quit: $'
nope: db 8,32,8,7,'$' ; Beep and erase input
win: db 13,10,7,7,7,'You win!$'
;;; Data
boardsz: ds 1 ; This will hold the board size
sysflips: ds 1 ; How many flips the system did
usrflips: ds 1 ; How many flips the user did
xabcdat: ds 4 ; RNG state
board: equ $
goal: equ board + 64 ; Max. 8*8 board</lang>


Example game:
<pre>A>flip 3
Please press some keys to generate a random state...done.


Your flips: 0 Goal: 20
--Board------------ --Goal-------------
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0
3 1 1 1 3 0 1 1
Press line or column to flip, or Q to quit: a

Your flips: 1 Goal: 20
--Board------------ --Goal-------------
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0
3 0 1 1 3 0 1 1
Press line or column to flip, or Q to quit: 1
You win!
