Flipping bits game: Difference between revisions

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(Add 8080 assembly version)
(Add 8086 assembly version)
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You win!
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
This program runs under MS-DOS and takes the board size from the command line.
<lang asm> bits 16
cpu 8086
;;; MS-DOS PSP locations
arglen: equ 80h
argstart: equ 82h
;;; MS-DOS system calls
getch: equ 1h
putch: equ 2h
puts: equ 9h
time: equ 2Ch
section .text
org 100h
;;; Read board size from command line
cmp byte [arglen],0 ; Command line empty?
je printusage ; Then print usage and stop
mov al,[argstart] ; Get first byte on command line
cmp al,'3' ; <3?
jb printusage ; Then print usage and stop
cmp al,'8' ; >8?
ja printusage ; Then print usage and stop
sub al,'0' ; Make number from ASCII
mov [boardsz],al ; Store the board size
mov ah,puts ; If we made it here, print the
mov dx,welcome ; welcome banner.
int 21h
;;; Generate random board
call xabcinit ; Initialize the RNG with system time
mov si,board
xor bx,bx
genboard: call xabcrand ; Get random byte
mov ah,al
call xabcrand ; Get another
and ax,0101h ; Keep only the low bit of each byte
mov [si+bx],ax ; And store them
inc bx ; Two bytes onward
inc bx
cmp bl,64 ; Are we done?
jne genboard
;;; Copy the board into the goal
mov si,board ; Source is board
mov di,goal ; Destination is goal
mov bx,0 ; Start at the beginning
copyboard: mov ax,[si+bx] ; Load word from board
mov [di+bx],ax ; Store word in goal
inc bx ; We've copied two bytes
inc bx
cmp bl,64 ; Are we done yet?
jne copyboard
;;; Make an amount of random flips
call xabcrand ; Random number
and al,15 ; [0..15]
add al,5 ; [5..20]
mov [sysflips],al ; Store in memory
mov cl,al ; Flip doesn't touch CL
xor ch,ch ; Set high byte zero
randflips: call xabcrand ; Random number
call flip ; Do a flip (unused bits are ignored)
loop randflips
mov byte [usrflips],0 ; Initialize user flips to 0
;;; Print game status (moves, goal moves)
status: mov ah,puts
mov dx,smoves
int 21h
mov al,[usrflips]
call printal
mov ah,puts
mov dx,sgoal
int 21h
mov al,[sysflips]
call printal
;;; Print the game board and goal board
mov ah,puts ; Print the header
mov dx,sboardhdr
int 21h
mov cl,2 ; Print two headers
mov ah,putch ; Indent columns
;;; Print column headers
colheader: mov dl,' '
int 21h
int 21h
mov bh,0 ; Offset
mov bl,'A' ; First letter
.curcol: cmp bh,[boardsz]
mov dl,bl ; Print letter
jb .printcol
mov dl,' ' ; Print space if column not used
.printcol: call dlspace ; Print DL + separator space
inc bl
inc bh
cmp bh,8 ; Done yet?
jb .curcol
mov dl,9 ; Separate the boards with a TAB
int 21h
dec cl ; We need two headers (board and goal)
jnz colheader
mov ah,puts ; Print a newline afterwards
mov dx,newline
int 21h
;;; Print the rows of the boards
xor bh,bh ; Zero high byte of BX
xor cl,cl ; Row index
boardrow: mov ch,2 ; Two rows, board and goal
mov si,board ; Start by printing the game board
.oneboard: xor dh,dh ; Column index
mov dl,cl ; Print row number
add dl,'1'
call dlspace
.curpos: cmp dh,[boardsz] ; Column in use?
mov dl,' ' ; If not, print a space
jae .printpos
mov bl,cl ; Row index
shl bl,1 ; * 8
shl bl,1
shl bl,1
add bl,dh ; Add column index
mov dl,[bx+si] ; Get position from board
add dl,'0' ; Print as ASCII 0 or 1
.printpos: call dlspace
inc dh ; Increment column index
cmp dh,8 ; Are we there yet?
jb .curpos ; If not, print next position
mov dl,9 ; Separate the boards with a TAB
int 21h
dec ch ; Have we printed the goal yet?
mov si,goal ; If not, print the goal next
jnz .oneboard
mov ah,puts ; Print a newline
mov dx,newline
int 21h
inc cl ; Next row
cmp cl,[boardsz] ; Are we there yet?
jb boardrow ; If not, print the next row.
;;; Ask the user for a move
mov ah,puts ; Write the prompt
mov dx,prompt
int 21h
readmove: mov ah,getch ; Read a character
int 21h
or al,32 ; Make letters lowercase
cmp al,'q' ; Quit?
je quit
cmp al,'9' ; Numeric (row) input?
jbe .nummove ; If not, alphabetic (column) input
;;; Letter input (column)
sub al,'a' ; Subtract 'a'
jc invalid ; If it was <'a', invalid input
cmp al,[boardsz] ; Is it on the board?
jae invalid
or al,128 ; Set high bit, for column flip
call flip ; Flip the column
jmp checkwin ; See if the user has won
;;; Number input (row)
.nummove: sub al,'1' ; Rows start at 1.
jc invalid ; If <'1', then invalid
cmp al,[boardsz] ; Is it on the board?
jae invalid
call flip ; Flip the row
;;; Check if the user has won the game
checkwin: xor bh,bh ; Zero high byte of array index
mov dl,[boardsz]
xor ch,ch ; Row coordinate
.row: xor cl,cl ; Column coordinate
.pos: mov bl,ch ; BL = row*8 + col
shl bl,1
shl bl,1
shl bl,1
add bl,cl
mov al,[board+bx] ; Get position from board
cmp al,[goal+bx] ; Compare with corresponding goal pos
jne .nowin ; Not equal: the user hasn't won
inc cl
cmp cl,dl ; Done all positions on row?
jb .pos ; If not, do next.
inc ch
cmp ch,dl ; Done all rows?
jb .row ; If not, do next.
;;; If we get here, the user has won
mov ah,puts
mov dx,win
int 21h
;;; The user hasn't won
.nowin: inc byte [usrflips] ; Record that the user has made a move
jmp status ; Print status and board, get new move
;;; Invalid input
invalid: mov ah,puts
mov dx,nope
int 21h
jmp readmove
;;; Flip the line or column in AL. If bit 7 set, flip column.
flip: mov si,board ; SI = board
test al,al ; This sets sign flag if bit 7 set
js .column ; If so, flip column.
and al,7 ; We only need the first 3 bits
shl al,1 ; Multiply by 8
shl al,1 ; 8086 does not support 'shl al,3'
shl al,1
xor ah,ah ; High byte 0
mov bx,ax ; BX = offset
mov ah,4 ; 4 words
.rowloop xor word [si+bx],0101h ; Flip two bytes at once
inc bx
inc bx
dec ah
jnz .rowloop
.column: and al,7 ; Flip a column.
xor ah,ah
mov bx,ax ; BX = row offset
mov ah,8 ; 8 bytes (need to do it byte by byte)
.colloop: xor byte [si+bx],01h ; Flip position
add bx,8
dec ah
jnz .colloop
quit: ret
;;; Print usage and stop
printusage: mov ah,puts
mov dx,usage
int 21h
;;; Print the character in DL followed by a space
dlspace: mov ah,putch
int 21h
mov dl,' '
int 21h
;;; Initialize the random number generator using the system
;;; time.
xabcinit: mov ah,time
int 21h
mov bx,xabcdat
xor [bx],cx
xor [bx+2],dx
;;; The "X ABC" random number generator
;;; Return random byte in AL
xabcrand: push bx ; Save registers
push cx
push dx
mov bx,xabcdat ; RNG state pointer
mov cx,[bx] ; CL=x CH=a
mov dx,[bx+2] ; DL=b DH=c
inc cl ; X++
xor ch,dh ; A^=C
xor ch,cl ; A^=X
add dl,ch ; B+=A
mov al,dl
shr al,1 ; B>>1
xor al,ch ; ^A
add al,dh ; +C
mov dh,al ; ->C
mov [bx],cx ; Store new RNG state
mov [bx+2],dx
pop dx ; Restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
;;; Print the byte in AL as a decimal number
printal: mov di,decnum + 3 ; Room in memory for decimal number
mov dl,10 ; Divide by 10
.loop: xor ah,ah ; Zero remainder
div dl ; Divide by 10
add ah,'0' ; Add ASCII 0 to remainder
dec di
mov [di],ah ; Store digit in memory
and al,al ; Done yet?
jnz .loop ; If not, next digit
mov dx,di ; DX = number string
mov ah,puts ; Print the string
int 21h
section .data
decnum: db '***$' ; Decimal number placeholder
usage: db 'Usage: FLIP [3..8], number is board size.$'
welcome: db '*** FLIP THE BITS *** ',13,10
db '--------------------- ',
newline: db 13,10,'$'
smoves: db 13,10,13,10,'Your flips: $'
sgoal: db 9,'Goal: $'
sboardhdr: db 13,10,10,'--Board------------'
db 9,'--Goal-------------',13,10,'$'
prompt: db 13,10,'Press line or column to flip, or Q to quit: $'
nope: db 8,32,8,7,'$' ; Beep and erase input
win: db 13,10,7,7,7,'You win!$'
section .bss
boardsz: resb 1 ; Board size
sysflips: resb 1 ; Amount of flips that the system does
usrflips: resb 1 ; Amount of flips that the user does
xabcdat: resb 4 ; Four byte RNG state
board: resb 64 ; 8*8 board
goal: resb 64 ; 8*8 goal</lang>