Five weekends: Difference between revisions

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2012 2018 2029 2035 2040 2046 2057 2063
2068 2074 2085 2091 2096 </pre>
<lang gambas>Public Sub Main()
Dim aMonth As Short[] = [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12] 'All 31 day months
Dim aMMStore As New String[] 'To store results
Dim siYear, siMonth, siCount As Short 'Various variables
Dim dDay As Date 'To store the day to check
Dim sTemp As String 'Temp string
For siYear = 1900 To 2100 'Loop through each year
For siMonth = 0 To 6 'Loop through each 31 day month
dDay = Date(siYear, aMonth[siMonth], 1) 'Get the date of the 1st of the month
If WeekDay(dDay) = 5 Then aMMStore.Add(Format(dDay, "mmmm yyyy")) 'If the 1st is a Friday then store the result
For Each sTemp In aMMStore 'For each item in the stored array..
Inc siCount 'Increase siCount
If siCount < 6 Then Print aMMStore[siCount] 'If 1 of the 1st 5 dates then print it
If siCount = 6 Then Print String$(14, "-") 'Print a separator
If siCount > aMMStore.Max - 4 Then Print aMMStore[siCount - 1] 'If 1 of the last 5 dates then print it
Print gb.NewLine & "Total months = " & Str(siCount) 'Print the number of months found
siCount = 0 'Reset siCount
sTemp = aMMStore.Join(",") 'Put all the stored dates in one string joined by commas
aMMStore.Clear 'Clear the store for reuse
For siYear = 1900 To 2100 'Loop through each year
If Not InStr(sTemp, Str(siYear)) Then 'If the year is not in the stored string then..
Inc siCount 'Increase siCount (Amount of years that don't have 5 weekend months)
aMMStore.Add(Str(siYear)) 'Add to the store
End If
Print gb.NewLine & "There are " & Str(siCount) &
" years that do not have at least one five-weekend month" 'Print the amount of years with no 5 weekend months
Print aMMStore.Join(",") 'Print the years with no 5 weekend months
August 1902
May 1903
January 1904
July 1904
December 1905
March 2097
August 2098
May 2099
January 2100
October 2100
Total months = 201
There are 29 years that do not have at least one five-weekend month
Anonymous user