First class environments: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Added Haskell solution)
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Emulation using edx as an "enviroment index" into static sequences:
<lang Phix>function hail(integer n)
if remainder(n,2)=0 then
n /= 2
n = 3*n+1
end if
return n
end function

sequence hails = tagset(12),
counts = repeat(0,12),
results = columnize({hails})

function step(integer edx)
integer n = hails[edx]
if n=1 then return 0 end if
n = hail(n)
hails[edx] = n
counts[edx] += 1
results[edx] &= n
return 1
end function

procedure main()
bool done = false
while not done do
done = true
for i=1 to 12 do
if step(i) then
done = false
end if
end for
end while

for i=1 to max(counts)+1 do
for j=1 to 12 do
puts(1,iff(i<=length(results[j])?sprintf("%4d",{results[j][i]}):" "))
end for
end for
printf(1," %s\n",{join(repeat("===",12))})
for j=1 to 12 do
end for
end procedure

Emulation using dictionaries:
<lang Phix>
function hail(integer n)
if remainder(n,2)=0 then
n /= 2
n = 3*n+1
end if
return n
end function

function step(integer edx)
integer n = getd("hail",edx)
if n=1 then return 0 end if
n = hail(n)
return 1
end function

sequence dicts = {}

procedure main()
for i=1 to 12 do
integer d = new_dict()
dicts &= d
end for

bool done = false
while not done do
done = true
for i=1 to 12 do
if step(dicts[i]) then
done = false
end if
end for
end while

done = false
integer i = 1
while not done do
done = true
for j=1 to 12 do
sequence res = getd("results",dicts[j])
if i<length(res) then done = false end if
puts(1,iff(i<=length(res)?sprintf("%4d",{res[i]}):" "))
end for
i += 1
end while
printf(1," %s\n",{join(repeat("===",12))})
for j=1 to 12 do
integer count = getd("count",dicts[j])
end for
end procedure

(same for both)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 10 2 16 3 22 4 28 5 34 6
5 1 8 10 11 2 14 16 17 3
16 4 5 34 1 7 8 52 10
8 2 16 17 22 4 26 5
4 1 8 52 11 2 13 16
2 4 26 34 1 40 8
1 2 13 17 20 4
1 40 52 10 2
20 26 5 1
10 13 16
5 40 8
16 20 4
8 10 2
4 5 1
2 16
1 8
=== === === === === === === === === === === ===
0 1 7 2 5 8 16 3 19 6 14 9
0 1 7 2 5 8 16 3 19 6 14 9