Find the missing permutation: Difference between revisions

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Not a robot (talk | contribs)
Add 8080 assembly
Not a robot (talk | contribs)
Add 8086 assembly
Line 139:
db 0 ; end marker </lang>
<pre>Missing permutation: DBAC</pre>
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm> cpu 8086
org 100h
mov si,perms ; Start of permutations
xor bx,bx ; First word of permutation
xor dx,dx ; Second word of permutation
mov cx,23 ; There are 23 permutations given
perm: lodsw ; Load first word of permutation
xor bx,ax ; XOR with first word of missing
lodsw ; Load second word of permutation
xor dx,ax ; XOR with second word of missing
loop perm ; Get next permutation
mov [mperm],bx ; Store in placeholder
mov [mperm+2],dx
mov ah,9 ; Write output
mov dx,msg
int 21h
msg: db 'Missing permutation: '
mperm: db 0,0,0,0,'$' ; Placeholder
perms: db 'ABCD','CABD','ACDB','DACB','BCDA','ACBD','ADCB','CDAB'
db 'DCBA','BACD','BADC','BDAC','CBDA','DBCA','DCAB'</lang>
<pre>Missing permutation: DBAC</pre>