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<lang basic>
rem - compute p mod q
function mod(p, q = integer) = integer
end = p - q * (p/q)

return day of week (Sun = 0, Mon = 1, etc.) for a
given Gregorian calendar date using Zeller's congruence
function dayofweek (mo, da, yr = integer) = integer
var y, c, z = integer
if mo < 3 then
mo = mo + 10
yr = yr - 1
else mo = mo - 2
y = mod(yr,100)
c = int(yr / 100)
z = int((26 * mo - 2) / 10)
z = z + da + y + int(y/4) + int(c/4) - 2 * c + 777
z = mod(z,7)
end = z

rem - return true if y is a leap year
function isleap(y = integer) = integer
end = mod(y,4)=0 and mod(y,100)<>0 or mod(y,400)=0

rem - return number of days in specified month
function monthdays(m, y = integer) = integer
var n = integer
if m = 2 then
if isleap(y) then
n = 29
n = 28
else if (m = 4) or (m = 6) or (m = 9) or (m = 11) then
n = 30
n = 31
end = n

return the day of the month corresponding to the last
occurrence of weekday k (Sun=0, Mon=1, etc.) in the given
month and year
function lastkday(k, m, y = integer) = integer
var d, w = integer
rem - determine weekday for last day of the month
d = monthdays(m, y)
w = dayofweek(m, d, y)
rem - find nearest prior occurrence of desired weekday
if w >= k then
d = d - (w - k)
d = d - (7 - k - w)
end = d

rem - return abbreviated month name
function shortmonth (m = integer) = string
end = mid("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec", m*3-2, 3)

rem - main program starts here

$constant SUNDAY = 0
var m = integer
print "Last Sunday of each month in 2021"
for m = 1 to 12
print shortmonth(m);" ";lastkday(SUNDAY, m, 2021)
next m

Last sunday of each month in 2021
Jan 21
Feb 28
Mar 28
Apr 25
May 30
Jun 27
Jul 25
Aug 29
Sep 26
Oct 31
Nov 28
Dec 26</pre>
