Find the intersection of a line with a plane: Difference between revisions

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Line 777:
Line definition: x=3*t ; y=2+2*t ; z=4+t
Intersection: P(0.6,2.4,4.2)</pre>
<lang Rust>use std::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Sub};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct V3<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
z: T,
impl<T> V3<T> {
fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> Self {
V3 { x, y, z }
fn zip_with<F, T, U>(f: F, a: V3<T>, b: V3<T>) -> V3<U>
F: Fn(T, T) -> U,
V3 {
x: f(a.x, b.x),
y: f(a.y, b.y),
z: f(a.z, b.z),
impl<T> Add for V3<T>
T: Add<Output = T>,
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
zip_with(<T>::add, self, other)
impl<T> Sub for V3<T>
T: Sub<Output = T>,
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
zip_with(<T>::sub, self, other)
impl<T> Mul for V3<T>
T: Mul<Output = T>,
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
zip_with(<T>::mul, self, other)
impl<T> V3<T>
T: Mul<Output = T> + Add<Output = T>,
fn dot(self, other: Self) -> T {
let V3 { x, y, z } = self * other;
x + y + z
impl<T> V3<T>
T: Mul<Output = T> + Copy,
fn scale(self, scalar: T) -> Self {
self * V3 {
x: scalar,
y: scalar,
z: scalar,
fn intersect<T>(
ray_vector: V3<T>,
ray_point: V3<T>,
plane_normal: V3<T>,
plane_point: V3<T>,
) -> V3<T>
T: Add<Output = T> + Sub<Output = T> + Mul<Output = T> + Div<Output = T> + Copy,
let diff = ray_point - plane_point;
let prod1 =;
let prod2 =;
let prod3 = prod1 / prod2;
ray_point - ray_vector.scale(prod3)
fn main() {
let rv = V3::new(0.0, -1.0, -1.0);
let rp = V3::new(0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
let pn = V3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
let pp = V3::new(0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
println!("{:?}", intersect(rv, rp, pn, pp));
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