Find the intersection of a line with a plane: Difference between revisions

(→‎version 2: 2 other fixes :-( more testing to come)
Line 24:
sub line-plane-intersection ($𝑳, $𝑷) {
my $cos = $𝑷.n⃗ ∙ $𝑳.u⃗; # cosine between normal & ray
return 'Vectors are orthoganolorthogonal; no intersection or line within plane'
if $cos == 0;
my $𝑊 = $𝑳.P0 «-» $𝑷.V0; # difference between P0 and V0
my $S𝐼 = -($𝑷.n⃗ ∙ $𝑊) / $cos; # line segment where it intersetsintersects the plane
$𝑊 «+» $S𝐼 «*» $𝑳.u⃗ «+» $𝑷.V0; # point where line intersects the plane
