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=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Started out as{{Trans|Common Lisp}}
With additional material
The Common Lisp algorithm (as translated to Algol 68) does not handle the additional Wren test cases (same as the last two Common Lisp test cases except with extra digits). The more accurate algorithm translated from the Wren sample does handle these cases.
<lang algol68>BEGIN # determine whether a point is within a triangle or not #
# tolerance for the accurate test #
REAL eps = 0.001;
REAL eps squared = eps * eps;
# mode to hold a point #
# returns a readable representation of p #
OP TOSTRING = ( POINT p )STRING: "[" + fixed( x OF p, -8, 4 ) + "," + fixed( y OF p, -8, 4 ) + "]";
# returns 1 if p is to the right of the line ( a, b ), -1 if it is to the left and 0 if it is on it #
PROC side of line = ( POINT p, a, b )INT:
SIGN ( ( ( x OF b - x OF a ) * ( y OF p - y OF a ) )
- ( ( y OF b - y OF a ) * ( x OF p - x OF a ) )
# returns the minimum of a and b #
PROC min = ( REAL a, b )REAL: IF a < b THEN a ELSE b FI;
# returns the maximum of a and b #
PROC max = ( REAL a, b )REAL: IF a > b THEN a ELSE b FI;
# returns TRUE if p is within the bounding box of the triangle a, b, c, FALSE otherwise #
PROC point inside bounding box of triangle = ( POINT p, a, b, c )BOOL:
REAL x min = min( x OF a, min( x OF b, x OF c ) );
REAL y min = min( y OF a, min( y OF b, y OF c ) );
REAL x max = max( x OF a, max( x OF b, x OF c ) );
REAL y max = max( y OF a, max( y OF b, y OF c ) );
x min <= x OF p AND x OF p <= x max AND y min <= y OF p AND y OF p <= y max
END # point inside bounding box of triangle # ;
# returns the squared distance between p and the line a, b #
PROC distance square point to segment = ( POINT p, a, b )REAL:
IF REAL a b square length = ( ( x OF b - x OF a ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( y OF b - y OF a ) ^ 2 );
REAL dot product = ( ( ( x OF p - x OF a ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( y OF p - y OF a ) ^ 2 ) ) / a b square length;
dot product < 0
THEN ( ( x OF p - x OF a ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( y OF p - y OF a ) ^ 2 )
ELIF dot product <= 1
THEN ( ( x OF a - x OF p ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( y OF a - y OF p ) ^ 2 )
- ( dot product * dot product * a b square length )
ELSE ( ( x OF p - x OF b ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( y OF p - y OF b ) ^ 2 )
FI # distance square point to segment # ;
# returns TRUE if p is within the triangle defined by a, b and c, FALSE otherwise #
PROC point inside triangle = ( POINT p, a, b, c )BOOL:
IF NOT point inside bounding box of triangle( p, a, b, c )
ELIF INT side of ab = side of line( p, a, b );
INT side of bc = side of line( p, b, c );
side of ab /= side of bc
ELIF side of ab = side of line( p, c, a )
ELIF distance square point to segment( p, a, b ) <= eps squared
ELIF distance square point to segment( p, b, c ) <= eps squared
ELSE distance square point to segment( p, c, a ) <= eps squared
FI # point inside triangle # ;
# test the point inside triangle procedure #
PROC test point = ( POINT p, a, b, c )VOID:
print( ( TOSTRING p, " in ( ", TOSTRING a, ", ", TOSTRING b, ", ", TOSTRING c, ") -> "
, IF point inside triangle( p, a, b, c ) THEN "true" ELSE "false" FI
, newline
# test cases as in Commpn Lisp #
test point( ( 0, 0 ), ( 1.5, 2.4 ), ( 5.1, -3.1 ), ( -3.8, 1.2 ) );
test point( ( 0, 1 ), ( 1.5, 2.4 ), ( 5.1, -3.1 ), ( -3.8, 1.2 ) );
test point( ( 3, 1 ), ( 1.5, 2.4 ), ( 5.1, -3.1 ), ( -3.8, 1.2 ) );
test point( ( 5.414286, 14.349206 ), ( 0.1, 0.111111 ), ( 12.5, 33.333333 ), ( 25.0, 11.111111 ) );
test point( ( 5.414286, 14.349206 ), ( 0.1, 0.111111 ), ( 12.5, 33.333333 ), ( -12.5, 16.666667 ) );
# additional Wren test cases #
test point( ( 5.4142857142857, 14.349206349206 )
, ( 0.1, 0.11111111111111 ), ( 12.5, 33.333333333333 ), ( 25, 11.111111111111 )
test point( ( 5.4142857142857, 14.349206349206 )
, ( 0.1, 0.11111111111111 ), ( 12.5, 33.333333333333 ), ( -12.5, 16.666666666667 )
[ 0.0000, 0.0000] in ( [ 1.5000, 2.4000], [ 5.1000, -3.1000], [ -3.8000, 1.2000]) -> true
[ 0.0000, 1.0000] in ( [ 1.5000, 2.4000], [ 5.1000, -3.1000], [ -3.8000, 1.2000]) -> true
[ 3.0000, 1.0000] in ( [ 1.5000, 2.4000], [ 5.1000, -3.1000], [ -3.8000, 1.2000]) -> false
[ 5.4143, 14.3492] in ( [ 0.1000, 0.1111], [ 12.5000, 33.3333], [ 25.0000, 11.1111]) -> true
[ 5.4143, 14.3492] in ( [ 0.1000, 0.1111], [ 12.5000, 33.3333], [-12.5000, 16.6667]) -> false
[ 5.4143, 14.3492] in ( [ 0.1000, 0.1111], [ 12.5000, 33.3333], [ 25.0000, 11.1111]) -> true
[ 5.4143, 14.3492] in ( [ 0.1000, 0.1111], [ 12.5000, 33.3333], [-12.5000, 16.6667]) -> false
