File size distribution: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: consolidated prints)
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Note that it is possible to track files up to 10^24 (Yottabyte) in size with this implementation, but if you have a file that large, you shouldn't be needing such programs. :)
<lang go>package main
import (
func commatize(n int64) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)
if n < 0 {
s = s[1:]
le := len(s)
for i := le - 3; i >= 1; i -= 3 {
s = s[0:i] + "," + s[i:]
if n >= 0 {
return s
return "-" + s
func fileSizeDistribution(root string) {
var sizes [12]int
files := 0
directories := 0
totalSize := int64(0)
walkFunc := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
size := info.Size()
if size == 0 {
return nil
totalSize += size
logSize := math.Log10(float64(size))
index := int(math.Floor(logSize))
return nil
err := filepath.Walk(root, walkFunc)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("File size distribution for '%s' :-\n\n", root)
for i := 0; i < len(sizes); i++ {
if i == 0 {
fmt.Print(" ")
} else {
fmt.Print("+ ")
fmt.Printf("Files less than 10 ^ %-2d bytes : %5d\n", i, sizes[i])
fmt.Println(" -----")
fmt.Printf("= Total number of files : %5d\n", files)
fmt.Printf(" including directories : %5d\n", directories)
c := commatize(totalSize)
fmt.Println("\n Total size of files :", c, "bytes")
func main() {
File size distribution for './' :-
Files less than 10 ^ 0 bytes : 0
+ Files less than 10 ^ 1 bytes : 0
+ Files less than 10 ^ 2 bytes : 8
+ Files less than 10 ^ 3 bytes : 98
+ Files less than 10 ^ 4 bytes : 163
+ Files less than 10 ^ 5 bytes : 18
+ Files less than 10 ^ 6 bytes : 8
+ Files less than 10 ^ 7 bytes : 18
+ Files less than 10 ^ 8 bytes : 1
+ Files less than 10 ^ 9 bytes : 0
+ Files less than 10 ^ 10 bytes : 0
+ Files less than 10 ^ 11 bytes : 0
= Total number of files : 314
including directories : 7
Total size of files : 74,205,408 bytes