File extension is in extensions list: Difference between revisions

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It would be one line if not for the dot requirement. <code>FileNameExtensionFilter</code> requires that the extensions have no dots. It also requires that the extensions contain characters (i.e. not the empty string) so that test would need to be removed.
===Using Lambda Expressions===
{{works with|Java|Current+}}
This version is the same as the main version only replace the definition for <code>extIsIn</code> with:
<lang java5>public static boolean extIsIn(String test, String... exts) {
int lastSlash = Math.max(test.lastIndexOf('/'), test.lastIndexOf('\\')); //whichever one they decide to use today
String filename = test.substring(lastSlash + 1);//+1 to get rid of the slash or move to index 0 if there's no slash
//end of the name if no dot, last dot index otherwise
int lastDot = filename.lastIndexOf('.') == -1 ? filename.length() : filename.lastIndexOf('.');
String ext = filename.substring(lastDot);//everything at the last dot and after is the extension
Arrays.sort(exts);//sort for the binary search
return Arrays.binarySearch(exts, ext, String::compareToIgnoreCase) >= 0;//binarySearch returns negative numbers when it's not found