Fibonacci word/fractal: Difference between revisions

added a scala solution that outputs SVG code
(Added Ruby)
(added a scala solution that outputs SVG code)
Line 843:
S +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+
'''Note:''' will be computing an SVG image - not very efficient, but very cool. worked for me in the scala REPL with ''-J-Xmx2g'' argument.
<lang scala>
def fibIt = Iterator.iterate(("1","0")){case (f1,f2) => (f2,f1+f2)}.map(_._1)
def turnLeft(c: Char): Char = c match {
case 'R' => 'U'
case 'U' => 'L'
case 'L' => 'D'
case 'D' => 'R'
def turnRight(c: Char): Char = c match {
case 'R' => 'D'
case 'D' => 'L'
case 'L' => 'U'
case 'U' => 'R'
def directions(xss: List[(Char,Char)], current: Char = 'R'): List[Char] = xss match {
case Nil => current :: Nil
case x :: xs => x._1 match {
case '1' => current :: directions(xs, current)
case '0' => x._2 match {
case 'E' => current :: directions(xs, turnLeft(current))
case 'O' => current :: directions(xs, turnRight(current))
def buildIt(xss: List[Char], old: Char = 'X', count: Int = 1): List[String] = xss match {
case Nil => s"$old$count" :: Nil
case x :: xs if x == old => buildIt(xs,old,count+1)
case x :: xs => s"$old$count" :: buildIt(xs,x)
def convertToLine(s: String, c: Int): String = (s.head, s.tail) match {
case ('R',n) => s"l ${c * n.toInt} 0"
case ('U',n) => s"l 0 ${-c * n.toInt}"
case ('L',n) => s"l ${-c * n.toInt} 0"
case ('D',n) => s"l 0 ${c * n.toInt}"
def drawSVG(xStart: Int, yStart: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fibWord: String, lineMultiplier: Int, color: String): String = {
val xs ={case (c,i) => (c, if(c == '1') '_' else i % 2 match{case 0 => 'E'; case 1 => 'O'})}.toList
val fractalPath = buildIt(directions(xs)),lineMultiplier))
s"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="${width}px" height="${height}px" viewBox="0 0 $width $height"><path d="M $xStart $yStart ${fractalPath.mkString(" ")}" style="stroke:#$color;stroke-width:1" stroke-linejoin="miter" fill="none"/></svg>"""
[ output string saved as an SVG file] - BTW, would appreciate help on getting the image to display here nicely. couldn't figure out how to do that...
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