Fibonacci word/fractal: Difference between revisions

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Page with FiboWFractal1.png
{{works with|jq}}
'''Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq, and with fq.'''
The SVG output is suitable for viewing in a browser.
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
def max(s): reduce s as $x (-infinite; if $x > . then $x else . end);
def min(s): reduce s as $x ( infinite; if $x < . then $x else . end);
# An unbounded stream
def fibonacci_words:
(["0","1"] | recurse( [add, .[0]]) | .[0]);
def turnLeft:
{"R": "U",
"U": "L",
"L": "D",
"D": "R"};
def turnRight:
{"R": "D",
"D": "L",
"L": "U",
"U": "R"};
# Input: the remaining Fibonacci word
# $n should initially be 1 and represents
# 1 plus the count of the letters already processed.
# Emit a stream of single-letter directions ("1" for forward),
# namely, if current char is 0
# - turn left if $n is even
# - turn right if $n is odd
def directions($n):
if length == 0 then empty
else .[0:1] as $c
| (if $c == "0"
then if $n % 2 == 0 then "L" else "R" end
else "1"
(.[1:] | directions($n+1))
# $current is the direction in which we are currently pointing.
# output: the direction in which the next step should be taken
def next_step($current; $turn):
if $turn == "1" then $current
elif $turn == "L" then turnLeft[$current]
elif $turn == "R" then turnRight[$current]
else error
# input: a Fibonacci word
# output: a stream of directions for turning, or "1" for not turning,
# i.e. a stream of: U, D, L, R, or 1
# Initially, we are facing R
def steps:
foreach directions(1) as $turn ("R";
next_step(.; $turn) );
# output a stream of [x,y] co-ordinates corresponding to the specified
# stream of steps of the given size.
# So we could for example call: points( nth(5; fibonacci_words) | steps; $size)
def points(steps; $size):
foreach steps as $step ([0,0];
. as [$x, $y]
| if $step == "R" then [$x + $size, $y]
elif $step == "D" then [$x, $y + $size]
elif $step == "L" then [$x - $size, $y]
elif $step == "U" then [$x, $y - $size]
else error
end );
# svg header boilerplate
# viewBox = '<min-x> <min-y> <width> <height>'
def svg($minX; $minY; $width; $height):
"<?xml version='1.0' standalone='no'?>",
"<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''>",
"<svg viewBox='\($minX - 10) \($minY - 10) \($width + 20) \($height + 20)' version='1.1' xmlns=''>";
# input: array of [x,y] co-ordinates
# output: "<polyline .... />"
def polyline:
{a:1, b:1} as $p
| "<polyline points='\(map(join(","))|join(" "))'",
" style='fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:1' transform='translate(\($p.a), \($p.b))' />";
# Output the svg for the $n-th Fibonacci word counting from 0
def fibonacci_word_svg($n):
[points( nth($n; fibonacci_words) | steps; 10)]
| min( .[] | .[0]) as $minx
| max( .[] | .[0]) as $maxx
| min( .[] | .[1]) as $miny
| max( .[] | .[1]) as $maxy
| (($maxx-$minx)|length) as $width
| (($maxy-$miny)|length) as $height
| svg( $minx; $miny; $width; $height),
"</svg>" ;
fibonacci_word_svg(22) # the Rust entry uses 22
Essentially as for [[#Rust|Rust]] - [[Media:Fibword_fractal_rust.svg]]
