Fibonacci sequence: Difference between revisions

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Aerobar (talk | contribs)
m →‎{{header|RPL}}: text formatting
Ssmitch45 (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|8080 Assembly}}: added alternate approach
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JNZ LOOP ; jump if not zero
RET ; return from subroutine</syntaxhighlight>
The range may be easily be extended from the 13th (=233) to the 24th (=46368) Fibonacci number with 16-bit addition using DAD. The code here assumes the CP/M operating system.
; useful equates
bdos equ 5 ; BDOS entry
cr equ 13 ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 10 ; ASCII line feed
space equ 32 ; ASCII space char
conout equ 2 ; BDOS console output function
putstr equ 9 ; BDOS print string function
; program code begins here
org 100h ; load point under CP/M
lxi h,0 ; save command processor's stack
dad sp
shld oldstk
lxi sp,stack ; set our own stack
lxi d,signon ; print signon message
mvi c,putstr
call bdos
mvi a,1 ; test by displaying first 20
mloop: push a ; save our count (putdec will trash)
call fib
call putdec
mvi a,space ; separate the numbers
call putchr
pop a ; get our count back
inr a ; increase it by one
cpi 20+1 ; have we reached our limit?
jnz mloop ; not yet; do another
lhld oldstk ; we're done - get CP/M's stack back
sphl ; restore it
ret ; back to command processor
; calculate nth Fibonacci number
; entry: A = n
; exit: HL = Fib(n)
fib: mov c,a ; C holds n
lxi d,0 ; initial value for Fib(n-2)
lxi h,1 ; intiial value for Fib(n-1)
fib2: dcr c
jz fib3 ; we're done
push h ; save Fib(n-1)
dad d ; HL holds Fib(n)
pop d ; Former Fib(n-1) now Fib(n-2)
jmp fib2 ; loop until done
fib3: ret
; console output of char in A register
push h
push d
push b
mov e,a
mvi c,conout
call bdos
pop b
pop d
pop h
; Output decimal number to console
; HL holds 16-bit unsigned binary number to print
putdec: push b
push d
push h
lxi b,-10
lxi d,-1
dad b
inx d
jc putdec2
lxi b,10
dad b
mov a,h
ora l
cnz putdec ; recursive call
mov a,e
adi '0'
call putchr
pop h
pop d
pop b
; message and data area
signon: db 'First 20 Fibonacci numbers:',cr,lf,'$'
oldstk: dw 0
stack equ $+128 ; 64-level stack
First 20 Fibonacci numbers:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==