Fibonacci sequence: Difference between revisions

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INGY (talk | contribs)
Added Odin Language Iterative Solution
Line 9,832: Line 9,832:

Fibinacci Sequence - Iterative Solution<br>
Odin Build: dev-2023-07-nightly:3072479c
<syntaxhighlight lang="odin">
// Packge Name and Imports
package fib
import "core:fmt"

// Global Variable Declarations
prev: u128 = 0
current: u128 = 1
next: u128

// Main proc
main :: proc() {
fmt.println("\nFibonacci Seq - starting n and n+1 from 0 and 1:")
for j: u128 = 0; j <= 20; j += 1 {
fmt.println("n:", j, "\tFib:", fibi(j))

// Procedures
fibi :: proc(n: u128) -> u128 {
if n < 2 {
return n
} else {
for i: u128 = 2; i <= n; i += 1 {
next = prev + current
prev = current
current = next
return current
return 0

// End of Source Code
First 20 Fibonacci Numbers
Starting n and n+1 from 0 and 1
n: 0 Fib: 0
n: 1 Fib: 1
n: 2 Fib: 1
n: 3 Fib: 2
n: 4 Fib: 3
n: 5 Fib: 5
n: 6 Fib: 8
n: 7 Fib: 13
n: 8 Fib: 21
n: 9 Fib: 34
n: 10 Fib: 55
n: 11 Fib: 89
n: 12 Fib: 144
n: 13 Fib: 233
n: 14 Fib: 377
n: 15 Fib: 610
n: 16 Fib: 987
n: 17 Fib: 1597
n: 18 Fib: 2584
n: 19 Fib: 4181
n: 20 Fib: 6765
