Fast Fourier transform: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|ALGOL 68}}: replace array SLICE operator with array DICE operator... simpler.)
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<lang haskell>import Control.Monad
<lang haskell>import Data.Complex
import Data.Array
import Data.Complex

-- Cooley-Tukey
-- Cooley-Tukey
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fft xs = zipWith (+) ys ts ++ zipWith (-) ys ts
fft xs = zipWith (+) ys ts ++ zipWith (-) ys ts
where n = length xs
where n = length xs
xs' = listArray (1,n) xs
ys = fft evens
ys = fft $ map (xs'!) [1,3..n]
zs = fft odds
zs = fft $ map (xs'!) [2,4..n]
(evens, odds) = split xs
ts = zipWith (\z k -> (exp' k n) * z) zs [0..(n `div` 2)-1]
split [] = ([], [])
split [x] = ([x], [])
split (x:y:xs) = (x:xt, y:yt) where (xt, yt) = split xs
ts = zipWith (\z k -> exp' k n * z) zs [0..]
exp' k n = cis $ -2 * pi * (fromIntegral k) / (fromIntegral n)
exp' k n = cis $ -2 * pi * (fromIntegral k) / (fromIntegral n)
main = mapM_ print $ fft [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]</lang>
main =
do let res = fft [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]
forM_ res print</lang>

And the output:
And the output: