Factors of a Mersenne number: Difference between revisions

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M929 has a factor: 13007
M929 has a factor: 13007

For <code>primes::is_prime</code> see [[Prime decomposition#Tcl]]
<lang tcl>source primes.tcl

proc int2bits {n} {
binary scan [binary format I1 $n] B* binstring
return [split [string trimleft $binstring 0] ""]
# another method
if {$n == 0} {return 0}
set bits [list]
while {$n > 0} {
lappend bits [expr {$n % 2}]
set n [expr {$n / 2}]
return [lreverse $bits]

proc trial_factor {base exp mod} {
set square 1
foreach bit [int2bits $exp] {
set square [expr {($square ** 2) * ($bit == 1 ? $base : 1) % $mod}]
return [expr {$square == 1}]

proc m_factor p {
set limit [expr {sqrt(2**$p - 1)}]
for {set k 1} {2 * $k * $p - 1 < $limit} {incr k} {
set q [expr {2 * $k * $p + 1}]
if { ! [primes::is_prime $q]} {
} elseif { ! ($q % 8 == 1 || $q % 8 == 7)} {
# optimization
} elseif {[trial_factor 2 $p $q]} {
# $q is a factor of 2**$p-1
return $q
return -1

set exp 929
if {[set fact [m_factor 929]] > 0} {
puts "M$exp has a factor: $fact"
} else {
puts "no factor found for M$exp"