Factorial primes: Difference between revisions

(Added Perl)
Line 135:
(i.28x here would have given us an eleventh prime, but the task asked for the first 10, and the stretch goal requires considerable patience.)
The following jq program has been tested with both the C and Go implementations
of jq. The latter supports unbounded-precision arithmetic, but the former
has sufficient accuracy to compute the first 10 factorial primes.
However, the implementation of `is_prime` used here is not sufficiently
fast to compute more than the first 10 primes in a reasonable amount of time.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
# The algorithm is quite fast because the state of `until` is just a number and we skip by 2 or 4
def is_prime:
. as $n
| if ($n < 2) then false
elif ($n % 2 == 0) then $n == 2
elif ($n % 3 == 0) then $n == 3
else 5
| until( . <= 0;
if .*. > $n then -1
elif ($n % . == 0) then 0
else . + 2
| if ($n % . == 0) then 0
else . + 4
| . == -1
def factorial_primes:
foreach range(1; infinite) as $i (1; . * $i;
if ((.-1) | is_prime) then [($i|tostring) + "! - 1 = ", .-1] else empty end,
if ((.+1) | is_prime) then [($i|tostring) + "! + 1 = ", .+1] else empty end ) ;
limit(20; factorial_primes)
| .[1] |= (tostring | (if length > 40 then .[:20] + " .. " + .[-20:] else . end))
| add
Invocation: jq -nr -f factorial-primes.jq
1! + 1 = 2
2! + 1 = 3
3! - 1 = 5
3! + 1 = 7
4! - 1 = 23
6! - 1 = 719
7! - 1 = 5039
11! + 1 = 39916801
12! - 1 = 479001599
14! - 1 = 87178291199
# terminated
