FTP: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Added PicoLisp)
(Lingo added)
Line 348: Line 348:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 109 space-station 1134654 May 9 2005 When Space Makes you Dizzy.mp3
-rw-rw-r-- 1 109 space-station 1134654 May 9 2005 When Space Makes you Dizzy.mp3
226 Transfer complete</pre>
226 Transfer complete</pre>

{{libheader|Curl Xtra}}
<lang lingo>CURLOPT_URL = 10002
ch = xtra("Curl").new()
url = "ftp://domain.com"

-- change to remote dir "/foo/bar/"
put "/foo/bar/" after url

ch.setOption(CURLOPT_URL, url)
res = ch.exec(1)

-- prints raw FTP listing as string
put res.readRawString(res.length)

-- download file "download.mp3" (passive mode is the internal default behavior)
filename = "download.mp3"
ch.setOption(CURLOPT_URL, url & filename)
ch.setDestinationFile(_movie.path & filename)
res = ch.exec()</lang>
