Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Lua}}: added Lua solution)
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x is 5, p is 3, -x^p is-125, -(x)^p is -125, (-x)^p is -125, -(x^p) is -125
x is 5, p is 3, -x^p is-125, -(x)^p is -125, (-x)^p is -125, -(x^p) is -125

Lua < 5.3 has a single double-precision numeric type. Lua >= 5.3 adds an integer numeric type. "^" is supported as an infix exponentiation operator for both types.
<lang lua>mathtype = math.type or type -- polyfill <5.3
function test(xs, ps)
for _,x in ipairs(xs) do
for _,p in ipairs(ps) do
print(string.format("%2.f %7s %2.f %7s %4.f %4.f %4.f %4.f", x, mathtype(x), p, mathtype(p), -x^p, -(x)^p, (-x)^p, -(x^p)))
print(" x type(x) p type(p) -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)")
print("-- ------- -- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------")
test( {-5.,5.}, {2.,3.} ) -- "float" (or "number" if <5.3)
if math.type then -- if >=5.3
test( {-5,5}, {2,3} ) -- "integer"
<pre> x type(x) p type(p) -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-- ------- -- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------
-5 float 2 float -25 -25 25 -25
-5 float 3 float 125 125 125 125
5 float 2 float -25 -25 25 -25
5 float 3 float -125 -125 -125 -125
-5 integer 2 integer -25 -25 25 -25
-5 integer 3 integer 125 125 125 125
5 integer 2 integer -25 -25 25 -25
5 integer 3 integer -125 -125 -125 -125</pre>
