Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Raku}}: symbolic unary, not infix subtract)
(51 intermediate revisions by 28 users not shown)
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{{draft task}}
(Many programming languages,   especially those with extended─precision integer arithmetic,   usually
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<small>(Not all computer programming languages have an exponential operator and/or support these syntax expression(s)</small>.
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;Related tasks:
* &nbsp; [[Exponentiation_order|exponentiationExponentiation order]]
* &nbsp; [[Exponentiation_operator|exponentiationExponentiation operator]]
* &nbsp; [[Arbitrary-precision_integers_(included)|arbitrary precision integers (includeincluded)]]
* &nbsp; [[Parsing/RPN to infix conversion]]
* &nbsp; [[Operator precedence]]
* [[wp:Order_of_operations#Programming_languages|Wikipedia: Order of operations in Programming languages]]
The order of precedence for Ada operators is:
logical_operator ::= and | or | xor
relational_operator ::= = | /= | < | <= | > | >=
binary_adding_operator ::= + | – | &
unary_adding_operator ::= + | –
multiplying_operator ::= * | / | mod | rem
highest_precedence_operator ::= ** | abs | not
Ada provides an exponentiation operator for integer types and floating point types.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO; use Ada.Float_Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Main is
ivalue : Integer := -5;
fvalue : float := -5.0;
Put_Line("Integer exponentiation:");
for i in 1..2 loop
for power in 2..3 loop
Put("x =" & ivalue'image & " p =" & power'image);
Put(" -x ** p ");
Put(item => -ivalue ** power, width => 4);
Put(" -(x) ** p ");
Put(item => -(ivalue) ** power, width => 4);
Put(" (-x) ** p ");
Put(Item => (- ivalue) ** power, Width => 4);
Put(" -(x ** p) ");
Put(Item => -(ivalue ** power), Width => 4);
end loop;
ivalue := 5;
fvalue := 5.0;
end loop;
Put_Line("floating point exponentiation:");
ivalue := -5;
fvalue := -5.0;
for i in 1..2 loop
for power in 2..3 loop
Put("x =" & fvalue'image & " p =" & power'image);
Put(" -x ** p ");
Put(item => -fvalue ** power, fore => 4, Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
Put(" -(x) ** p ");
Put(item => -(fvalue) ** power, fore => 4, Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
Put(" (-x) ** p ");
Put(Item => (- fvalue) ** power, fore => 4, Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
Put(" -(x ** p) ");
Put(Item => -(fvalue ** power), fore => 4, Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
end loop;
ivalue := 5;
fvalue := 5.0;
end loop;
end Main;
Integer exponentiation:
x =-5 p = 2 -x ** p -25 -(x) ** p -25 (-x) ** p 25 -(x ** p) -25
x =-5 p = 3 -x ** p 125 -(x) ** p 125 (-x) ** p 125 -(x ** p) 125
x = 5 p = 2 -x ** p -25 -(x) ** p -25 (-x) ** p 25 -(x ** p) -25
x = 5 p = 3 -x ** p -125 -(x) ** p -125 (-x) ** p -125 -(x ** p) -125
floating point exponentiation:
x =-5.00000E+00 p = 2 -x ** p -25.0 -(x) ** p -25.0 (-x) ** p 25.0 -(x ** p) -25.0
x =-5.00000E+00 p = 3 -x ** p 125.0 -(x) ** p 125.0 (-x) ** p 125.0 -(x ** p) 125.0
x = 5.00000E+00 p = 2 -x ** p -25.0 -(x) ** p -25.0 (-x) ** p 25.0 -(x ** p) -25.0
x = 5.00000E+00 p = 3 -x ** p -125.0 -(x) ** p -125.0 (-x) ** p -125.0 -(x ** p) -125.0
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
In Algol 68, all unary operators have a higher precedence than any binary operator.
<br>Algol 68 also allows UP and ^ for the exponentiation operator.
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN
# show the results of exponentiation and unary minus in various combinations #
FOR x FROM -5 BY 10 TO 5 DO
print( ( "x = ", whole( x, -2 ), " p = ", whole( p, 0 ) ) );
print( ( " -x**p ", whole( -x**p, -4 ) ) );
print( ( " -(x)**p ", whole( -(x)**p, -4 ) ) );
print( ( " (-x)**p ", whole( (-x)**p, -4 ) ) );
print( ( " -(x**p) ", whole( -(x**p), -4 ) ) );
print( ( newline ) )
x = -5 p = 2 -x**p 25 -(x)**p 25 (-x)**p 25 -(x**p) -25
x = -5 p = 3 -x**p 125 -(x)**p 125 (-x)**p 125 -(x**p) 125
x = 5 p = 2 -x**p 25 -(x)**p 25 (-x)**p 25 -(x**p) -25
x = 5 p = 3 -x**p -125 -(x)**p -125 (-x)**p -125 -(x**p) -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="awk">
# converted from FreeBASIC
print(" x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)")
for (x=-5; x<=5; x+=10) {
for (p=2; p<=3; p++) {
printf("%3d %3d | %8d %8d %8d %8d\n",x,p,(-x^p),(-(x)^p),((-x)^p),(-(x^p)))
x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-5 2 | -25 -25 25 -25
-5 3 | 125 125 125 125
5 2 | -25 -25 25 -25
5 3 | -125 -125 -125 -125
==={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="gwbasic">S$=" ":M$=CHR$(13):?M$" X P -X^P -(X)^P (-X)^P -(X^P)":FORX=-5TO+5STEP10:FORP=2TO3:?M$MID$("+",1+(X<0));X" "PRIGHT$(S$+STR$(-X^P),8)RIGHT$(S$+STR$(-(X)^P),8)RIGHT$(S$+STR$((-X)^P),8)RIGHT$(S$+STR$(-(X^P)),8);:NEXTP,X</syntaxhighlight>
X P -X^P -(X)^P (-X)^P -(X^P)
-5 2 25 25 25 -25
-5 3 125 125 125 125
+5 2 25 25 25 -25
+5 3 -125 -125 -125 -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic256">print " x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)"
print ("-"*15); "+"; ("-"*45)
for x = -5 to 5 step 10
for p = 2 to 3
print " "; rjust(x,2); " "; ljust(p,2); " | "; rjust((-x^p),6); " "; rjust((-(x)^p),6); (" "*6); rjust(((-x)^p),6); " "; rjust((-(x^p)),6)
next p
next x</syntaxhighlight>
<pre> x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-5 2 | -25.0 -25.0 25.0 -25.0
-5 3 | 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0
5 2 | -25.0 -25.0 25.0 -25.0
5 3 | -125.0 -125.0 -125.0 -125.0</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="gambas">Public Sub Main()
Print " x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)"
Print "----------------+---------------------------------------------"
For x As Integer = -5 To 5 Step 10
For p As Integer = 2 To 3
Print " "; Format$(x, "-#"); " "; Format$(p, "-#"); " | "; Format$((-x ^ p), "-###"); " "; Format$((-(x) ^ p), "-###"); " "; Format$(((-x) ^ p), "-###"); " "; Format$((-(x ^ p)), "-###")
<pre>Same as FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
{{works with|QBasic|1.1}}
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
{{works with|FreeBASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">PRINT " x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)"
PRINT "----------------+---------------------------------------------"
FOR x = -5 TO 5 STEP 10
FOR p = 2 TO 3
PRINT USING " ## ## | #### #### #### ####"; x; p; (-x ^ p); (-(x) ^ p); ((-x) ^ p); (-(x ^ p))
NEXT x</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Same as FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
==={{header|Run BASIC}}===
{{works with|Just BASIC}}
{{works with|Liberty BASIC}}
{{works with|QBasic}}
{{works with|True BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">print " x"; chr$(9); " p"; chr$(9); " | "; chr$(9); "-x^p"; chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); "-(x)^p"; chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); "(-x)^p"; chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); "-(x^p)"
print "----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------"
for x = -5 to 5 step 10
for p = 2 to 3
print " "; x; chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); p; chr$(9); " | "; chr$(9); (-1*x^p); chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); (-1*(x)^p); chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); ((-1*x)^p); chr$(9); " "; chr$(9); (-1*(x^p))
next p
next x
<pre>Similar to FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">PRINT " x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)"
PRINT "----------------+---------------------------------------------"
FOR x = -5 TO 5 STEP 10
FOR p = 2 TO 3
PRINT USING " ## ## | #### #### #### ####": x, p, (-x^p), (-(x)^p), ((-x)^p), (-(x^p))
<pre>Same as FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">OpenConsole()
PrintN(" x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)")
For x.i = -5 To 5 Step 10
For p.i = 2 To 3
PrintN(" " + Str(x) + " " + Str(p) + " | " + StrD(Pow(-x,p),0) + #TAB$ + StrD(Pow(-1*(x),p),0) + #TAB$ + StrD(Pow((-x),p),0) + #TAB$ + " " + StrD(-1*Pow(x,p),0))
Next p
Next x
<pre> x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-5 2 | 25 25 25 -25
-5 3 | 125 125 125 125
5 2 | 25 25 25 -25
5 3 | -125 -125 -125 -125</pre>
{{works with|Windows XBasic}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="xbasic">PROGRAM "Exponentiation with infix operators in (or operating on) the base"
PRINT " x p | -x**p -(x)**p (-x)**p -(x**p)"
PRINT "----------------+-----------------------------------------------"
FOR x = -5 TO 5 STEP 10
FOR p = 2 TO 3
PRINT " "; FORMAT$("##",x); " "; FORMAT$("##",p); " | "; FORMAT$("######",(-x**p)); " "; FORMAT$("######",(-(x)**p)); " "; FORMAT$("######",((-x)**p)); " "; FORMAT$("######",(-(x**p)))
END PROGRAM</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Similar to FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">print " x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)"
print "----------------+---------------------------------------------"
for x = -5 to 5 step 10
for p = 2 to 3
print " ", x using "##", " ", p using "##", " | ", (-x^p) using "####", " ", (-(x)^p) using "####", " ", ((-x)^p) using "####", " ", (-(x^p)) using "####"
next p
next x</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Same as FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
for x in [ -5 5 ]
for p in [ 2 3 ]
print x & "^" & p & " = " & pow x p
F# does not support the ** operator for integers but for floats:
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
printfn "-5.0**2.0=%f; -(5.0**2.0)=%f" (-5.0**2.0) (-(5.0**2.0))
-5.0**2.0=25.000000; -(5.0**2.0)=-25.000000
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: infix locals prettyprint sequences
sequences.generalizations sequences.repeating ;
Line 73 ⟶ 355:
5 2 row
5 3 row
5 narray simple-table.</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 83 ⟶ 365:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">print " x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)"
In Raku by default, infix exponentiation binds tighter than unary negation.
print "----------------+---------------------------------------------"
for x as integer = -5 to 5 step 10
for p as integer = 2 to 3
print using " ## ## | #### #### #### ####";_
next p
next x</syntaxhighlight>
x p | -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-5 2 | -25 -25 25 -25
-5 3 | 125 125 125 125
5 2 | -25 -25 25 -25
5 3 | -125 -125 -125 -125
<lang perl6>sub infix-exp (\x, \p) {
Go uses the math.Pow function for exponentiation and doesn't support operator overloading at all. Consequently, it is not possible to conjure up an infix operator to do the same job.
printf "x = %2d p = %2d │ %s = %4d │ %s = %4d │ %s = %4d │ %s = %4d\n", x, p,
'-x**p', -x**p, '-(x)**p', -(x)**p, '(-x)**p', (-x)**p, '-(x**p)', -(x**p);
say 'Default precedence: infix exponentiation is tighter (higher) precedence than unary negation.';
-> $x, $p { infix-exp($x, $p) } for -5, 2, -5, 3, 5, 2, 5, 3;
Perhaps the closest we can get is to define a derived type (''float'' say) based on float64 and then give it a method with a short name (''p'' say) to provide exponentiation.
This looks odd but is perfectly workable as the following example shows. However, as a method call, ''x.p'' is always going to take precedence over the unary minus operator and will always require the exponent to be enclosed in parentheses.
# It is trivial in Raku to define your own infix operators with
# whatever precedence level meets the needs of your program.
Note that we can't call the method ''↑'' (or similar) because identifiers in Go must begin with a Unicode letter and using a non-ASCII symbol would be awkward to type on some keyboards in any case.
sub infix:<↑> is looser(&prefix:<->) { $^a ** $^b }
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
sub infix-loose-exp (\x, \p) {
printf "x = %2d p = %2d │ %s = %4d │ %s = %4d │ %s = %4d │ %s = %4d\n", x, p,
'-x↑p ', -x↑p, '-(x)↑p ', -(x)↑p, '(-x)↑p ', (-x)↑p, '-(x↑p) ', -(x↑p);
type float float64
func (f float) p(e float) float { return float(math.Pow(float64(f), float64(e))) }
func main() {
ops := []string{"-x.p(e)", "-(x).p(e)", "(-x).p(e)", "-(x.p(e))"}
for _, x := range []float{float(-5), float(5)} {
for _, e := range []float{float(2), float(3)} {
fmt.Printf("x = %2.0f e = %0.0f | ", x, e)
fmt.Printf("%s = %4.0f | ", ops[0], -x.p(e))
fmt.Printf("%s = %4.0f | ", ops[1], -(x).p(e))
fmt.Printf("%s = %4.0f | ", ops[2], (-x).p(e))
fmt.Printf("%s = %4.0f\n", ops[3], -(x.p(e)))
x = -5 e = 2 | -x.p(e) = -25 | -(x).p(e) = -25 | (-x).p(e) = 25 | -(x.p(e)) = -25
x = -5 e = 3 | -x.p(e) = 125 | -(x).p(e) = 125 | (-x).p(e) = 125 | -(x.p(e)) = 125
x = 5 e = 2 | -x.p(e) = -25 | -(x).p(e) = -25 | (-x).p(e) = 25 | -(x.p(e)) = -25
x = 5 e = 3 | -x.p(e) = -125 | -(x).p(e) = -125 | (-x).p(e) = -125 | -(x.p(e)) = -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">--https://wiki.haskell.org/Power_function
main = do
print [-5^2,-(5)^2,(-5)^2,-(5^2)] --Integer
print [-5^^2,-(5)^^2,(-5)^^2,-(5^^2)] --Fractional
print [-5**2,-(5)**2,(-5)**2,-(5**2)] --Real
print [-5^3,-(5)^3,(-5)^3,-(5^3)] --Integer
print [-5^^3,-(5)^^3,(-5)^^3,-(5^^3)] --Fractional
print [-5**3,-(5)**3,(-5)**3,-(5**3)] --Real</syntaxhighlight>
APLs use a negative sign distinguished from minus as a different character. Underscore followed by a number specifies a negative number. APLs also process the operations from right to left, evaluating parenthesized expressions when the interpreter comes to them. In J, unary plus returns complex conjugate, which won't affect the outcome of this experiment.
format=: ''&$: :([: ; (a: , [: ":&.> [) ,. '{}' ([ (E. <@}.;._1 ]) ,) ])
S=: 'x = {} p = {} -x^p {} -(x)^p {} (-x)^p {} -(x^p) {}'
explicit=: dyad def 'S format~ 2 2 4 4 4 4 ":&> x,y,(-x^y),(-(x)^y),((-x)^y),(-(x^y))'
tacit=: S format~ 2 2 4 4 4 4 ":&> [`]`([:-^)`([:-^)`((^~-)~)`([:-^)`:0
_2 explicit/\_5 2 _5 3 5 2 5 3
x = _5 p = 2 -x^p _25 -(x)^p _25 (-x)^p 25 -(x^p) _25
x = _5 p = 3 -x^p 125 -(x)^p 125 (-x)^p 125 -(x^p) 125
x = 5 p = 2 -x^p _25 -(x)^p _25 (-x)^p 25 -(x^p) _25
x = 5 p = 3 -x^p _125 -(x)^p _125 (-x)^p _125 -(x^p) _125
-:/ 1 0 2 |: _2(tacit ,: explicit)/\_5 2 _5 3 5 2 5 3 NB. the verbs produce matching results
In Julia, the ^ symbol is the power infix operator. The ^ operator has a higher precedence than the - operator,
so -5^2 is -25 and (-5)^2 is 25.
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">
for x in [-5, 5], p in [2, 3]
println("x is", lpad(x, 3), ", p is $p, -x^p is", lpad(-x^p, 4), ", -(x)^p is",
lpad(-(x)^p, 5), ", (-x)^p is", lpad((-x)^p, 5), ", -(x^p) is", lpad(-(x^p), 5))
x is -5, p is 2, -x^p is -25, -(x)^p is -25, (-x)^p is 25, -(x^p) is -25
x is -5, p is 3, -x^p is 125, -(x)^p is 125, (-x)^p is 125, -(x^p) is 125
x is 5, p is 2, -x^p is -25, -(x)^p is -25, (-x)^p is 25, -(x^p) is -25
x is 5, p is 3, -x^p is-125, -(x)^p is -125, (-x)^p is -125, -(x^p) is -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">writeln [-5^2, -(5)^2, (-5)^2, -(5^2)]
writeln [-5^3, -(5)^3, (-5)^3, -(5^3)]
<pre>[-25, -25, 25, -25]
[-125, -125, -125, -125]
Lua < 5.3 has a single double-precision numeric type. Lua >= 5.3 adds an integer numeric type. "^" is supported as an infix exponentiation operator for both types.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">mathtype = math.type or type -- polyfill <5.3
function test(xs, ps)
for _,x in ipairs(xs) do
for _,p in ipairs(ps) do
print(string.format("%2.f %7s %2.f %7s %4.f %4.f %4.f %4.f", x, mathtype(x), p, mathtype(p), -x^p, -(x)^p, (-x)^p, -(x^p)))
print(" x type(x) p type(p) -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)")
print("-- ------- -- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------")
test( {-5.,5.}, {2.,3.} ) -- "float" (or "number" if <5.3)
if math.type then -- if >=5.3
test( {-5,5}, {2,3} ) -- "integer"
<pre> x type(x) p type(p) -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-- ------- -- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------
-5 float 2 float -25 -25 25 -25
-5 float 3 float 125 125 125 125
5 float 2 float -25 -25 25 -25
5 float 3 float -125 -125 -125 -125
-5 integer 2 integer -25 -25 25 -25
-5 integer 3 integer 125 125 125 125
5 integer 2 integer -25 -25 25 -25
5 integer 3 integer -125 -125 -125 -125</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">[-5**2,-(5)**2,(-5)**2,-(5**2)];
[-25, -25, 25, -25]
[-125, -125, -125, -125]</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">{-5^2, -(5)^2, (-5)^2, -(5^2)}
{-5^3, -(5)^3, (-5)^3, -(5^3)}</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>{-25, -25, 25, -25}
{-125, -125, -125, -125}</pre>
The infix exponentiation operator is defined in standard module “math”. Its precedence is less than that of unary “-” operator, so -5^2 is 25 and -(5^2) is -25.
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import math, strformat
for x in [-5, 5]:
for p in [2, 3]:
echo &"x is {x:2}, ", &"p is {p:1}, ",
&"-x^p is {-x^p:4}, ", &"-(x)^p is {-(x)^p:4}, ",
&"(-x)^p is {(-x)^p:4}, ", &"-(x^p) is {-(x^p):4}"</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>x is -5, p is 2, -x^p is 25, -(x)^p is 25, (-x)^p is 25, -(x^p) is -25
x is -5, p is 3, -x^p is 125, -(x)^p is 125, (-x)^p is 125, -(x^p) is 125
x is 5, p is 2, -x^p is 25, -(x)^p is 25, (-x)^p is 25, -(x^p) is -25
x is 5, p is 3, -x^p is -125, -(x)^p is -125, (-x)^p is -125, -(x^p) is -125</pre>
{{works with|Extended Pascal}}
Apart from the built-in (prefix) functions <tt>sqr</tt> (exponent&nbsp;=&nbsp;2) and <tt>sqrt</tt> (exponent&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.5) already defined in Standard “Unextended” Pascal (ISO standard 7185), ''Extended Pascal'' (ISO standard 10206) defines following additional (infix) operators:
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program exponentiationWithInfixOperatorsInTheBase(output);
minimumWidth = 7;
fractionDigits = minimumWidth div 4 + 1;
procedure testIntegerPower(
{ `pow` can in fact accept `integer`, `real` and `complex`. }
protected base: integer;
{ For `pow` the `exponent` _has_ to be an `integer`. }
protected exponent: integer
writeLn('=====> testIntegerPower <=====');
writeLn(' base = ', base:minimumWidth);
writeLn(' exponent = ', exponent:minimumWidth);
{ Note: `exponent` may not be negative if `base` is zero! }
writeLn(' -base pow exponent = ', -base pow exponent:minimumWidth);
writeLn('-(base) pow exponent = ', -(base) pow exponent:minimumWidth);
writeLn('(-base) pow exponent = ', (-base) pow exponent:minimumWidth);
writeLn('-(base pow exponent) = ', -(base pow exponent):minimumWidth)
procedure testRealPower(
{ `**` actually accepts all data types (`integer`, `real`, `complex`). }
protected base: real;
{ The `exponent` in an `**` expression will be, if applicable, }
{ _promoted_ to a `real` value approximation. }
protected exponent: integer
writeLn('======> testRealPower <======');
writeLn(' base = ', base:minimumWidth:fractionDigits);
writeLn(' exponent = ', exponent:pred(minimumWidth, succ(fractionDigits)));
if base > 0.0 then
{ The result of `base ** exponent` is a `complex` value }
{ `base` is a `complex` value, `real` otherwise. }
writeLn(' -base ** exponent = ', -base ** exponent:minimumWidth:fractionDigits);
writeLn('-(base) ** exponent = ', -(base) ** exponent:minimumWidth:fractionDigits);
writeLn('(-base) ** exponent = illegal');
writeLn('-(base ** exponent) = ', -(base ** exponent):minimumWidth:fractionDigits)
{ “negative” zero will not alter the sign of the value. }
writeLn(' -base ** exponent = ', -base pow exponent:minimumWidth:fractionDigits);
writeLn('-(base) ** exponent = ', -(base) pow exponent:minimumWidth:fractionDigits);
writeLn('(-base) ** exponent = ', (-base) pow exponent:minimumWidth:fractionDigits);
writeLn('-(base ** exponent) = ', -(base pow exponent):minimumWidth:fractionDigits)
{ === MAIN =================================================================== }
testIntegerPower(-5, 2);
testIntegerPower(+5, 2);
testIntegerPower(-5, 3);
testIntegerPower( 5, 3);
testRealPower(-5.0, 2);
testRealPower(+5.0, 2);
testRealPower(-5E0, 3);
testRealPower(+5E0, 3)
=====> testIntegerPower <=====
base = -5
exponent = 2
-base pow exponent = -25
-(base) pow exponent = -25
(-base) pow exponent = 25
-(base pow exponent) = -25
=====> testIntegerPower <=====
base = 5
exponent = 2
-base pow exponent = -25
-(base) pow exponent = -25
(-base) pow exponent = 25
-(base pow exponent) = -25
=====> testIntegerPower <=====
base = -5
exponent = 3
-base pow exponent = 125
-(base) pow exponent = 125
(-base) pow exponent = 125
-(base pow exponent) = 125
=====> testIntegerPower <=====
base = 5
exponent = 3
-base pow exponent = -125
-(base) pow exponent = -125
(-base) pow exponent = -125
-(base pow exponent) = -125
======> testRealPower <======
base = -5.00
exponent = 2
-base ** exponent = -25.00
-(base) ** exponent = -25.00
(-base) ** exponent = 25.00
-(base ** exponent) = -25.00
======> testRealPower <======
base = 5.00
exponent = 2
-base ** exponent = -25.00
-(base) ** exponent = -25.00
(-base) ** exponent = illegal
-(base ** exponent) = -25.00
======> testRealPower <======
base = -5.00
exponent = 3
-base ** exponent = 125.00
-(base) ** exponent = 125.00
(-base) ** exponent = 125.00
-(base ** exponent) = 125.00
======> testRealPower <======
base = 5.00
exponent = 3
-base ** exponent = -125.00
-(base) ** exponent = -125.00
(-base) ** exponent = illegal
-(base ** exponent) = -125.00
Since there are ''two'' different power operators available, both accepting operands of different data types, having different limits, and yielding different data types, it was not sensible to produce a table similar to other entries on this page.
Use the module <tt>Sub::Infix</tt> to define a custom operator. Note that the bracketing punctuation controls the precedence level. Results structured same as in Raku example.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use Sub::Infix;
BEGIN { *e = infix { $_[0] ** $_[1] } }; # operator needs to be defined at compile time
my @eqns = ('1 + -$xOP$p', '1 + (-$x)OP$p', '1 + (-($x)OP$p)', '(1 + -$x)OP$p', '1 + -($xOP$p)');
for my $op ('**', '/e/', '|e|') {
for ( [-5, 2], [-5, 3], [5, 2], [5, 3] ) {
my( $x, $p, $eqn ) = @$_;
printf 'x: %2d p: %2d |', $x, $p;
$eqn = s/OP/$op/gr and printf '%17s %4d |', $eqn, eval $eqn for @eqns;
print "\n";
print "\n";
<pre>x: -5 p: 2 | 1 + -$x**$p -24 | 1 + (-$x)**$p 26 | 1 + (-($x)**$p) -24 | (1 + -$x)**$p 36 | 1 + -($x**$p) -24 |
x: -5 p: 3 | 1 + -$x**$p 126 | 1 + (-$x)**$p 126 | 1 + (-($x)**$p) 126 | (1 + -$x)**$p 216 | 1 + -($x**$p) 126 |
x: 5 p: 2 | 1 + -$x**$p -24 | 1 + (-$x)**$p 26 | 1 + (-($x)**$p) -24 | (1 + -$x)**$p 16 | 1 + -($x**$p) -24 |
x: 5 p: 3 | 1 + -$x**$p -124 | 1 + (-$x)**$p -124 | 1 + (-($x)**$p) -124 | (1 + -$x)**$p -64 | 1 + -($x**$p) -124 |
x: -5 p: 2 | 1 + -$x/e/$p 26 | 1 + (-$x)/e/$p 26 | 1 + (-($x)/e/$p) 26 | (1 + -$x)/e/$p 36 | 1 + -($x/e/$p) -24 |
x: -5 p: 3 | 1 + -$x/e/$p 126 | 1 + (-$x)/e/$p 126 | 1 + (-($x)/e/$p) 126 | (1 + -$x)/e/$p 216 | 1 + -($x/e/$p) 126 |
x: 5 p: 2 | 1 + -$x/e/$p 26 | 1 + (-$x)/e/$p 26 | 1 + (-($x)/e/$p) 26 | (1 + -$x)/e/$p 16 | 1 + -($x/e/$p) -24 |
x: 5 p: 3 | 1 + -$x/e/$p -124 | 1 + (-$x)/e/$p -124 | 1 + (-($x)/e/$p) -124 | (1 + -$x)/e/$p -64 | 1 + -($x/e/$p) -124 |
x: -5 p: 2 | 1 + -$x|e|$p 36 | 1 + (-$x)|e|$p 36 | 1 + (-($x)|e|$p) 26 | (1 + -$x)|e|$p 36 | 1 + -($x|e|$p) -24 |
x: -5 p: 3 | 1 + -$x|e|$p 216 | 1 + (-$x)|e|$p 216 | 1 + (-($x)|e|$p) 126 | (1 + -$x)|e|$p 216 | 1 + -($x|e|$p) 126 |
x: 5 p: 2 | 1 + -$x|e|$p 16 | 1 + (-$x)|e|$p 16 | 1 + (-($x)|e|$p) 26 | (1 + -$x)|e|$p 16 | 1 + -($x|e|$p) -24 |
x: 5 p: 3 | 1 + -$x|e|$p -64 | 1 + (-$x)|e|$p -64 | 1 + (-($x)|e|$p) -124 | (1 + -$x)|e|$p -64 | 1 + -($x|e|$p) -124 |</pre>
Phix has a power() function instead of an infix operator, hence there are only two possible syntaxes, with the obvious outcomes.<br>
(Like Go, Phix does not support operator overloading or definition at all.)
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">x<span style="color: #0000FF;">=<span style="color: #0000FF;">-<span style="color: #000000;">5</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">5</span> <span style="color: #008080;">by</span> <span style="color: #000000;">10</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">p<span style="color: #0000FF;">=<span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">3</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf<span style="color: #0000FF;">(<span style="color: #000000;">1<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #008000;">"x = %2d, p = %d, power(-x,p) = %4d, -power(x,p) = %4d\n"<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #0000FF;">{<span style="color: #000000;">x<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #000000;">p<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #7060A8;">power<span style="color: #0000FF;">(<span style="color: #0000FF;">-<span style="color: #000000;">x<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #000000;">p<span style="color: #0000FF;">)<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #0000FF;">-<span style="color: #7060A8;">power<span style="color: #0000FF;">(<span style="color: #000000;">x<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #000000;">p<span style="color: #0000FF;">)<span style="color: #0000FF;">}<span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for
x = -5, p = 2, power(-x,p) = 25, -power(x,p) = -25
x = -5, p = 3, power(-x,p) = 125, -power(x,p) = 125
x = 5, p = 2, power(-x,p) = 25, -power(x,p) = -25
x = 5, p = 3, power(-x,p) = -125, -power(x,p) = -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="qb64">For x = -5 To 5 Step 10
For p = 2 To 3
Print "x = "; x; " p ="; p; " ";
Print Using "-x^p is ####"; -x ^ p;
Print Using ", -(x)^p is ####"; -(x) ^ p;
Print Using ", (-x)^p is ####"; (-x) ^ p;
Print Using ", -(x^p) is ####"; -(x ^ p)
x = -5 p = 2 -x^p is -25, -(x)^p is -25, (-x)^p is 25, -(x^p) is -25
x = -5 p = 3 -x^p is 125, -(x)^p is 125, (-x)^p is 125, -(x^p) is 125
x = 5 p = 2 -x^p is -25, -(x)^p is -25, (-x)^p is 25, -(x^p) is -25
x = 5 p = 3 -x^p is -125, -(x)^p is -125, (-x)^p is -125, -(x^p) is -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="rsplus">expressions <- alist(-x ^ p, -(x) ^ p, (-x) ^ p, -(x ^ p))
x <- c(-5, -5, 5, 5)
p <- c(2, 3, 2, 3)
output <- data.frame(x,
setNames(lapply(expressions, eval), sapply(expressions, deparse)),
check.names = FALSE)
print(output, row.names = FALSE)</syntaxhighlight>
<pre> x p -x^p -(x)^p (-x)^p -(x^p)
-5 2 -25 -25 25 -25
-5 3 125 125 125 125
5 2 -25 -25 25 -25
5 3 -125 -125 -125 -125</pre>
In Raku by default, infix exponentiation binds tighter than unary negation. It is trivial however to define your own infix operators with whatever precedence level meets the needs of your program.
A slight departure from the task specs. Use <code>1 + {expression}</code> rather than just <code>{expression}</code> to better demonstrate the relative precedence levels. Where <code>{expression}</code> is one of:
* <code>-x{exponential operator}p</code>
* <code>-(x){exponential operator}p</code>
* <code>((-x){exponential operator}p)</code>
* <code>-(x{exponential operator}p)</code>
Also add a different grouping: <code>(1 + -x){exponential operator}p</code>
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>sub infix:<↑> is looser(&prefix:<->) { $^a ** $^b }
sub infix:<∧> is looser(&infix:<->) { $^a ** $^b }
('Default precedence: infix exponentiation is tighter (higher) precedence than unary negation.',
'1 + -$x**$p', {1 + -$^a**$^b}, '1 + (-$x)**$p', {1 + (-$^a)**$^b}, '1 + (-($x)**$p)', {1 + (-($^a)**$^b)},
'(1 + -$x)**$p', {(1 + -$^a)**$^b}, '1 + -($x**$p)', {1 + -($^a**$^b)}),
("\nEasily modified: custom loose infix exponentiation is looser (lower) precedence than unary negation.",
'1 + -$x↑$p ', {1 + -$^a↑$^b}, '1 + (-$x)↑$p ', {1 + (-$^a)↑$^b}, '1 + (-($x)↑$p) ', {1 + (-($^a)↑$^b)},
'(1 + -$x)↑$p ', {(1 + -$^a)↑$^b}, '1 + -($x↑$p) ', {1 + -($^a↑$^b)}),
say ("\nEasilynEven modifiedmore so: custom looselooser infix exponentiation is looser (lower) precedence than unaryinfix negationsubtraction.";,
'1 + -$x∧$p ', {1 + -$^a∧$^b}, '1 + (-$x)∧$p ', {1 + (-$^a)∧$^b}, '1 + (-($x)∧$p) ', {1 + (-($^a)∧$^b)},
-> $x, $p { infix-loose-exp($x, $p) } for -5, 2, -5, 3, 5, 2, 5, 3;</lang>
'(1 + -$x)∧$p ', {(1 + -$^a)∧$^b}, '1 + -($x∧$p) ', {1 + -($^a∧$^b)})
-> $case {
my ($title, @operations) = $case<>;
say $title;
for -5, 5 X 2, 3 -> ($x, $p) {
printf "x = %2d p = %d", $x, $p;
for @operations -> $label, &code { print " │ $label = " ~ $x.&code($p).fmt('%4d') }
say ''
<pre>Default precedence: infix exponentiation is tighter (higher) precedence than unary negation.
x = -5 p = 2 │ 1 + -$x**$p = -25241 + (-$x)**$p = 26 │ 1 + (-($x)**$p) = -2524 │ (1 + -$x)**$p = 2536 1 + -($x**$p) = -2524
x = -5 p = 3 │ 1 + -$x**$p = 1251261 + (-$x)**$p = 126 │ 1 + (-($x)**$p) = 125126 │ (1 + -$x)**$p = 125216 1 + -($x**$p) = 125126
x = 5 p = 2 │ 1 + -$x**$p = -25241 + (-$x)**$p = 26 │ 1 + (-($x)**$p) = -2524 │ (1 + -$x)**$p = 2516 1 + -($x**$p) = -2524
x = 5 p = 3 │ 1 + -$x**$p = -1251241 + (-$x)**$p = -124 │ 1 + (-($x)**$p) = -125124 │ (1 + -$x)**$p = -12564 1 + -($x**$p) = -125124
Easily modified: custom loose infix exponentiation is looser (lower) precedence than unary negation.
x = -5 p = 2 │ 1 + -x↑p$x↑$p = 25261 + (-$x)↑$p = 26 │ 1 + (-($x)↑p↑$p) = 2526 │ (1 + -$x)↑p↑$p = 2536 1 + -(x↑p$x↑$p) = -2524
x = -5 p = 3 │ 1 + -x↑p$x↑$p = 1251261 + (-$x)↑$p = 126 │ 1 + (-($x)↑p↑$p) = 125126 │ (1 + -$x)↑p↑$p = 125216 1 + -(x↑p$x↑$p) = 125126
x = 5 p = 2 │ 1 + -x↑p$x↑$p = 25261 + (-$x)↑$p = 26 │ 1 + (-($x)↑p↑$p) = 2526 │ (1 + -$x)↑p↑$p = 2516 1 + -(x↑p$x↑$p) = -2524
x = 5 p = 3 │ 1 + -x↑p$x↑$p = -1251241 + (-$x)↑$p = -124 │ 1 + (-($x)↑p↑$p) = -125124 │ (1 + -$x)↑p↑$p = -12564 1 + -(x↑p$x↑$p) = -125</pre>124
Even more so: custom looser infix exponentiation is looser (lower) precedence than infix subtraction.
x = -5 p = 2 │ 1 + -$x∧$p = 36 │ 1 + (-$x)∧$p = 36 │ 1 + (-($x)∧$p) = 26 │ (1 + -$x)∧$p = 36 │ 1 + -($x∧$p) = -24
x = -5 p = 3 │ 1 + -$x∧$p = 216 │ 1 + (-$x)∧$p = 216 │ 1 + (-($x)∧$p) = 126 │ (1 + -$x)∧$p = 216 │ 1 + -($x∧$p) = 126
x = 5 p = 2 │ 1 + -$x∧$p = 16 │ 1 + (-$x)∧$p = 16 │ 1 + (-($x)∧$p) = 26 │ (1 + -$x)∧$p = 16 │ 1 + -($x∧$p) = -24
x = 5 p = 3 │ 1 + -$x∧$p = -64 │ 1 + (-$x)∧$p = -64 │ 1 + (-($x)∧$p) = -124 │ (1 + -$x)∧$p = -64 │ 1 + -($x∧$p) = -124</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program shows exponentition with an infix operator (implied and/or specified).*/
_= '─'; ! = '║'; mJunct= '─╫─'; bJunct= '─╨─' /*define some special glyphs. */
Line 144 ⟶ 835:
@: parse arg txt, w, fill; if fill=='' then fill= ' '; return center( txt, w, fill)
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the internal default input:}}
Line 155 ⟶ 846:
5 3 ║ -x**p -125 ║ -(x)**p -125 ║ (-x)**p -125 ║ -(x**p) -125
───── ──────╨─────────── ───────╨─────────── ───────╨─────────── ───────╨─────────── ──────
Using infix exponentiation as required, even if not RPLish:
≪ → x p
≪ '''{ 'x' 'p' '-x^p' '-(x)^p' '(-x)^p' '-(x^p)' }''' 1
-5 2 SHOXP
-5 3 SHOXP
8: { 'x' 'p' '-x^p' '-x^p' '(-x)^p' '-x^p' }
7: { -5 2 -25 -25 25 -25 }
6: { 'x' 'p' '-x^p' '-x^p' '(-x)^p' '-x^p' }
5: { -5 3 125 125 125 125 }
4: { 'x' 'p' '-x^p' '-x^p' '(-x)^p' '-x^p' }
3: { 5 2 -25 -25 25 -25 }
2: { 'x' 'p' '-x^p' '-x^p' '(-x)^p' '-x^p' }
1: { 5 3 -125 -125 -125 -125 }
Original infix expressions (see code above in bold characters) have been simplified by the interpreter when storing the program.
In reverse Polish notation, there is only one way to answer the task:
≪ → x p
≪ x NEG p ^
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">nums = [-5, 5]
pows = [2, 3]
nums.product(pows) do |x, p|
puts "x = #{x} p = #{p}\t-x**p #{-x**p}\t-(x)**p #{-(x)**p}\t(-x)**p #{ (-x)**p}\t-(x**p) #{-(x**p)}"
<pre>x = -5 p = 2 -x**p -25 -(x)**p -25 (-x)**p 25 -(x**p) -25
x = -5 p = 3 -x**p 125 -(x)**p 125 (-x)**p 125 -(x**p) 125
x = 5 p = 2 -x**p -25 -(x)**p -25 (-x)**p 25 -(x**p) -25
x = 5 p = 3 -x**p -125 -(x)**p -125 (-x)**p -125 -(x**p) -125
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">from itertools import product
xx = '-5 +5'.split()
pp = '2 3'.split()
texts = '-x**p -(x)**p (-x)**p -(x**p)'.split()
print('Integer variable exponentiation')
for x, p in product(xx, pp):
print(f' x,p = {x:2},{p}; ', end=' ')
x, p = int(x), int(p)
print('; '.join(f"{t} =={eval(t):4}" for t in texts))
print('\nBonus integer literal exponentiation')
X, P = 'xp'
xx.insert(0, ' 5')
texts.insert(0, 'x**p')
for x, p in product(xx, pp):
texts2 = [t.replace(X, x).replace(P, p) for t in texts]
print(' ', '; '.join(f"{t2} =={eval(t2):4}" for t2 in texts2))</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Integer variable exponentiation
x,p = -5,2; -x**p == -25; -(x)**p == -25; (-x)**p == 25; -(x**p) == -25
x,p = -5,3; -x**p == 125; -(x)**p == 125; (-x)**p == 125; -(x**p) == 125
x,p = +5,2; -x**p == -25; -(x)**p == -25; (-x)**p == 25; -(x**p) == -25
x,p = +5,3; -x**p ==-125; -(x)**p ==-125; (-x)**p ==-125; -(x**p) ==-125
Bonus integer literal exponentiation
5**2 == 25; - 5**2 == -25; -( 5)**2 == -25; (- 5)**2 == 25; -( 5**2) == -25
5**3 == 125; - 5**3 ==-125; -( 5)**3 ==-125; (- 5)**3 ==-125; -( 5**3) ==-125
-5**2 == -25; --5**2 == 25; -(-5)**2 == -25; (--5)**2 == 25; -(-5**2) == 25
-5**3 ==-125; --5**3 == 125; -(-5)**3 == 125; (--5)**3 == 125; -(-5**3) == 125
+5**2 == 25; -+5**2 == -25; -(+5)**2 == -25; (-+5)**2 == 25; -(+5**2) == -25
+5**3 == 125; -+5**3 ==-125; -(+5)**3 ==-125; (-+5)**3 ==-125; -(+5**3) ==-125</pre>
Smalltalk has no prefix operator for negation. To negate, you have to send the number a "negated" message, which has higher precedence than any binary message. Literal constants may have a sign (which is not an operation, but part of the constant).
<syntaxhighlight lang="smalltalk">a := 2.
b := 3.
Transcript show:'-5**2 => '; showCR: -5**2.
Transcript show:'-5**a => '; showCR: -5**a.
Transcript show:'-5**b => '; showCR: -5**b.
Transcript show:'5**2 => '; showCR: 5**2.
Transcript show:'5**a => '; showCR: 5**a.
Transcript show:'5**b => '; showCR: 5**b.
" Transcript show:'-(5**b) => '; showCR: -(5**b). -- invalid: syntax error "
" Transcript show:'5**-b => '; showCR: 5**-b. -- invalid: syntax error "</syntaxhighlight>
Using the "negated" message:
<syntaxhighlight lang="smalltalk">Transcript show:'5 negated**2 => '; showCR: 5 negated**2. "negates 5"
Transcript show:'5 negated**3 => '; showCR: 5 negated**3.
Transcript show:'5**2 negated => '; showCR: 5**2 negated. "negates 2"
Transcript show:'5**3 negated => '; showCR: 5**3 negated. "negates 3"
Transcript show:'5 negated**a => '; showCR: 5 negated**a.
Transcript show:'5 negated**b => '; showCR: 5 negated**b.
Transcript show:'5**a negated => '; showCR: 5**a negated.
Transcript show:'5**b negated => '; showCR: 5**b negated.
Transcript show:'(5**a) negated => '; showCR: (5**a) negated.
Transcript show:'(5**b) negated => '; showCR: (5**b) negated.
Transcript show:'(-5**a) negated => '; showCR: (-5**a) negated.
Transcript show:'(-5**b) negated => '; showCR: (-5**b) negated.
Transcript show:'-5 negated**2 => '; showCR: -5 negated**2. "negates the negative 5"
Transcript show:'-5 negated**3 => '; showCR: -5 negated**3.</syntaxhighlight>
-5**2 => 25
-5**a => 25
-5**b => -125
5**2 => 25
5**a => 25
5**b => 125
5 negated**2 => 25
5 negated**3 => -125
5**2 negated => (1/25)
5**3 negated => (1/125)
5 negated**a => 25
5 negated**b => -125
5**a negated => (1/25)
5**b negated => (1/125)
(5**a) negated => -25
(5**b) negated => -125
(-5**a) negated => -25
(-5**b) negated => 125
-5 negated**2 => 25
-5 negated**3 => 125
Wren uses the pow() method for exponentiation of numbers and, whilst it supports operator overloading, there is no way of adding a suitable infix operator to the existing Num class or inheriting from that class.
However, what we can do is to wrap Num objects in a new Num2 class and then add exponentiation and unary minus operators to that.
Ideally what we'd like to do is to use a new operator such as '**' for exponentiation (because '^' is the bitwise exclusive or operator) but we can only overload existing operators with their existing precedence and so, for the purposes of this task, '^' is the only realistic choice.
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
class Num2 {
construct new(n) { _n = n }
n { _n}
^(exp) {
if (exp is Num2) exp = exp.n
return Num2.new(_n.pow(exp))
- { Num2.new(-_n) }
toString { _n.toString }
var ops = ["-x^p", "-(x)^p", "(-x)^p", "-(x^p)"]
for (x in [Num2.new(-5), Num2.new(5)]) {
for (p in [Num2.new(2), Num2.new(3)]) {
Fmt.write("x = $2s p = $s | ", x, p)
Fmt.write("$s = $4s | ", ops[0], -x^p)
Fmt.write("$s = $4s | ", ops[1], -(x)^p)
Fmt.write("$s = $4s | ", ops[2], (-x)^p)
Fmt.print("$s = $4s", ops[3], -(x^p))
x = -5 p = 2 | -x^p = 25 | -(x)^p = 25 | (-x)^p = 25 | -(x^p) = -25
x = -5 p = 3 | -x^p = 125 | -(x)^p = 125 | (-x)^p = 125 | -(x^p) = 125
x = 5 p = 2 | -x^p = 25 | -(x)^p = 25 | (-x)^p = 25 | -(x^p) = -25
x = 5 p = 3 | -x^p = -125 | -(x)^p = -125 | (-x)^p = -125 | -(x^p) = -125
