Execute a Markov algorithm: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed comments and whitespace, used a template for the output and ruleset 6; use a right arrow string instead of equivalence character.)
mNo edit summary
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This program expects a source rules file and a text file for translating to be provided as the
first and second arguments of the script, as in: > julia markovrules.jl <rulesfilename> <textfilename>
To run the program, make individual files containing the rulesets and test texts (see below).
function getmarkovrules(filename)
rules = []
lines = []
linenum = 0
open(filename) do rulesfh
lines = readlines(rulesfh)
for line in lines
linenum += 1
if(!ismatch(r"^#", line) && !ismatch(r"^\s*$", line))
regm = match(r"^(.+)\s+->\s+(\.)?(.+)?$", line)
if(regm != nothing && length(regm.captures) > 0)
push!(rules, (regm.captures[1], regm.captures[2], regm.captures[3]))
println("RULESET ERROR: No proper matches for line $linenum in file $filename.")
function markovtranslate(filename, rules)
testfh = open(filename)
txt = join(map(c -> Char(c), read(testfh)))
translated = ""
redoing = true
while redoing
nomatch = true
for rule in rules
(from, terminating, to) = rule
if(length(search(txt, from)) > 0)
nomatch = false
if(to == nothing)
to = ""
txt = replace(txt, from, to)
if(terminating != nothing)
redoing = false
redoing = false
const rulesfile = ARGS[1]
const textfile = ARGS[2]
print("\nUsing rules from file $rulesfile, processing text $textfile.\nResult of test: ")
markovrules = getmarkovrules(rulesfile)
println(markovtranslate(textfile, markovrules))
The following are the files used:
In ruleset1.txt:
# This rules file is extracted from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_Algorithm
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
In test1.txt:
I bought a B of As from T S.
In ruleset2.txt:
# Slightly modified from the rules on Wikipedia
A -> apple
B -> bag
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
In test2.txt:
I bought a B of As from T S.
In ruleset3.txt:
# BNF Syntax testing rules
A -> apple
WWWW -> with
Bgage -> ->.*
B -> bag
->.* -> money
W -> WW
S -> .shop
T -> the
the shop -> my brother
a never used -> .terminating rule
In test3.txt:
I bought a B of As W my Bgage from T S.
In ruleset4.txt:
### Unary Multiplication Engine, for testing Markov Algorithm implementations
### By Donal Fellows.
# Unary addition engine
_+1 -> _1+
1+1 -> 11+
# Pass for converting from the splitting of multiplication into ordinary
# addition
1! -> !1
,! -> !+
_! -> _
# Unary multiplication by duplicating left side, right side times
1*1 -> x,@y
1x -> xX
X, -> 1,1
X1 -> 1X
_x -> _X
,x -> ,X
y1 -> 1y
y_ -> _
# Next phase of applying
1@1 -> x,@y
1@_ -> @_
,@_ -> !_
++ -> +
# Termination cleanup for addition
_1 -> 1
1+_ -> 1
_+_ ->
In test4.txt:
In ruleset5.txt:
# Turing machine: three-state busy beaver
# state A, symbol 0 => write 1, move right, new state B
A0 -> 1B
# state A, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, new state C
0A1 -> C01
1A1 -> C11
# state B, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state A
0B0 -> A01
1B0 -> A11
# state B, symbol 1 => write 1, move right, new state B
B1 -> 1B
# state C, symbol 0 => write 1, move left, new state B
0C0 -> B01
1C0 -> B11
# state C, symbol 1 => write 1, move left, halt
0C1 -> H01
1C1 -> H11
In test5.txt:
prompt>julia markov.jl ruleset1.txt test1.txt
Using rules from file ruleset1.txt, processing text test1.txt.
Result of test: I bought a bag of apples from my brother.
prompt>julia markov.jl ruleset2.txt test2.txt
Using rules from file ruleset2.txt, processing text test2.txt.
Result of test: I bought a bag of apples from T shop.
prompt>julia markov.jl ruleset3.txt test3.txt
Using rules from file ruleset3.txt, processing text test3.txt.
Result of test: I bought a bag of apples with my money from T shop.
prompt>julia markov.jl ruleset4.txt test4.txt
Using rules from file ruleset4.txt, processing text test4.txt.
Result of test: 11111111111111111111
prompt>julia markov.jl ruleset5.txt test5.txt
Using rules from file ruleset5.txt, processing text test5.txt.
Result of test: 00011H1111000
