Execute Brain****: Difference between revisions

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<lang arturo>/*********************************
* Brainf*ck compiler
* In Art:uro
Tape #(0)
DataPointer 0
InstructionPointer 0
// Look for jumps in code an register them
// in the Jumps table
precomputeJumps {
stack #()
jumphash #{}
instrPointer 0
loop instrPointer<CodeLength {
command $(get $(characters Code) instrPointer)
if command="[" { stack stack+instrPointer } {
if command="]" {
target $(last stack)
deleteBy stack $(size stack)-1
set jumphash $(toString target) instrPointer
set jumphash $(toString instrPointer) target
instrPointer instrPointer+1
// Check if current state is valid
StateIsValid {
all #(0<=DataPointer DataPointer<$(size Tape) 0<=InstructionPointer InstructionPointer<CodeLength)
// Compile the program
interpret {
loop $(!StateIsValid) {
command $(get $(characters Code) InstructionPointer)
| command="+" { set Tape DataPointer Tape.[DataPointer]+1 }
| command="-" { set Tape DataPointer Tape.[DataPointer]-1 }
| command=">" { DataPointer DataPointer+1, if DataPointer=$(size Tape) { Tape Tape+0 } }
| command="<" { DataPointer DataPointer-1 }
| command="." { print $(char Tape.[DataPointer]) true }
| command="," {
inp $(toNumber input)
| inp=13 { inp 10 }
| inp=3 { panic "something went wrong!" }
set Tape DataPointer inp
| command="[" {
if Tape.[DataPointer]=0 { InstructionPointer Jumps.[$(toString InstructionPointer)] }
| command="]" {
if Tape.[DataPointer]!=0 { InstructionPointer Jumps.[$(toString InstructionPointer)] }
InstructionPointer InstructionPointer+1
if $(size &)<1 { panic "Not enough arguments - Usage: bfc <script>" }
Code $(read &0)
CodeLength $(size Code)
Jumps $(!precomputeJumps)
<lang bf>++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.</lang>
<pre>Hello World!</pre>
