Execute Brain****: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
(Add 8080 assembly)
(Add 8086 assembly)
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=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
{{trans|8080 Assembly}}
Like the 8080 version, this program compiles its BF input to 8086 machine code, and then jumps to it.
Contractions and clear loops are optimized, and the 8086's memory segmentation is used to provide a
circular 64k-cell tape with 8-bit cells.
<lang asm> ;;; MS-DOS Brainf*** interpreter/compiler
cpu 8086
putch: equ 2h ; Print character
puts: equ 9h ; Print string
open: equ 3Dh ; Open file
read: equ 3Fh ; Read from file
exit: equ 4Ch ; Exit to DOS
flags: equ 33h ; Set break flags
CMDLEN: equ 80h ; Address of length of command line argument
CMDARG: equ 81h ; Address of text of command line argument
BRK: equ 1 ; Break flag
EOFCH: equ -1 ; Written to the tape on EOF
section .text
org 100h
;;; See if there is enough memory
mov sp,stack.top ; Move stack inward to free up memory
mov ax,cs ; Get allocated memory size from DOS
dec ax ; (It is at location 3 in the MCB, which
mov es,ax ; is located one paragraph above CS.)
mov ax,[es:3]
mov bx,sp ; The amount of memory the program itself
mov cl,4 ; needs is from CS:0 up to CS:SP in bytes,
shr bx,cl ; shifted right by 4 to give paragraphs;
inc bx ; making sure to round up.
mov bp,cs ; The paragraph right after this is used
add bp,bx ; as the segment base for BF's memory.
sub ax,bx ; Free mem = allocated mem - program mem
cmp ax,128*1024/16 ; We'll require at least 128k bytes
jae mem_ok ; (for two separate code and data segments)
mov dx,err.mem ; If we don't have enough,
jmp error ; give an error message.
;;; Stop on Ctrl+C
mov ax,flags<<8|BRK
mov dl,1
int 21h
;;; See if a command line argument was given
mem_ok: mov bl,[CMDLEN] ; Get length of argument
test bl,bl ; See if it's zero
jnz arg_ok
mov dx,err.usage ; Print usage string if no argument given
jmp error
arg_ok: xor bh,bh
mov [CMDARG+bx],bh ; Terminate the argument string with a zero
mov ax,open<<8 ; Try to open the file for reading
mov dx,CMDARG+1 ; Skip first item (always 1)
int 21h
jnc fileok
mov dx,err.file ; Print file error if it fails
jmp error
fileok: mov di,ax ; Keep file handle in DI
xor si,si ; Keep pointer in SI
mov ds,bp ; Start reading into the memory past our stack
block: mov ah,read ; Read from file
mov bx,di
mov cx,0FFFEh
mov dx,si ; To the place just beyond the last read
int 21h
jnc .rdok
mov dx,err.file ; Read error
jmp error
.rdok: test ax,ax ; If zero bytes read, we're done
jz .done
add si,ax ; Move pointer past read
jnc block ; If there's still room, do another read
mov dx,err.mem ; If we overshot, then give memory error
jmp error
.done: mov [si],byte 0 ; Zero-terminate the data
;;; Filter out all non-BF characters
push ds ; Set ES to DS
pop es
xor si,si ; Source and destination pointer to beginning
xor di,di
filter: lodsb ; Get byte from source
xor bx,bx ; See if byte is BF command
.test: cmp al,[cs:bx+bfchar] ; Test against current character
je .match ; If a match, we found it
inc bx ; If not, try next possible command
cmp bx,8
jbe .test
jmp filter ; If we didn't find it, ignore this character
.match: stosb ; We found it, keep it
test al,al ; If zero, we found the end,
jnz filter ; Otherwise, do next character
;;; Compile the BF source into 8086 machine code
add bp,65536/16 ; Set ES to point to the start of the second
mov es,bp ; 64k (4k paragraphs) that we allocated earlier
xor di,di ; Start at address zero,
push di ; Store a zero on the stack as boundary marker,
mov ax,stop ; At 0000, store a far pointer to the
stosw ; cleanup routine,
mov ax,cs
mov ax,bfout ; At 0004, store a far pointer to the
stosw ; output routine,
mov ax,cs
mov ax,bfin ; At 0008, store a far pointer to the
stosw ; input routine,
mov ax,cs
stosw ; Compiled BF code starts at 000C.
xor si,si ; Start at beginning of BF source code
compil: lodsb ; Get current command
.ch: cmp di,-16 ; See if we still have 16 bytes free
jb .fch ; (Loop is 11 bytes, +5 for INT 21h/4Ch at end)
mov dx,err.mem ; If not, we're out of memory
jmp error
.fch: cmp al,'+' ; + and - change the value of the current cell
je tapval
cmp al,'-'
je tapval
cmp al,'>' ; < and > move the tape
je tapmov
cmp al,'<'
je tapmov
cmp al,',' ; I/O
jne .tsout ; Conditional jumps are limited to 128-byte
jmp chin ; displacement
.tsout: cmp al,'.'
jne .tsls
jmp chout
.tsls: cmp al,'[' ; Loops
jne .tsle
jmp loops
.tsle: cmp al,']'
jne .tsend
jmp loope
.tsend: test al,al ; Reached zero?
jnz compil ; If not, next command
jmp cdone ; If so, we're done
;;; Compile a string of +s and -s into an 8086 instruction
tapval: xor cl,cl ; Count up contiguous +s and -s modulo 256
.ch: cmp al,'+'
je .inc
cmp al,'-'
je .dec
test cl,cl ; If zero,
jz compil.ch ; it's a no-op.
mov bl,al ; Otherwise, keep next character
cmp cl,-1 ; If -1, decrement cell
mov ax,0FFEh ; DEC BYTE [BX]
je .wword
cmp cl,1 ; If 1, increment cell
mov ax,07FEh ; INC BYTE [BX]
je .wword
mov ax,0780h ; ADD BYTE [BX],
mov al,cl ; change to cell
mov al,bl ; Move next character back into AL
jmp compil.ch ; Compile next command
.inc: inc cl ; Increment cell
jmp .ch
.dec: dec cl ; Decrement cell
jmp .ch
.wword: stosw ; Write instruction word
mov al,bl ; Move next character back into AL
jmp compil.ch ; Compile next command
;;; Compile a string of <s and >s into an 8086 instruction
tapmov: xor cx,cx ; Count up contiguous <s and >s modulo 65536
.ch: cmp al,'>'
je .right
cmp al,'<'
je .left
test cx,cx ; Is there any net movement at all?
jnz .move ; If so, generate a move instruction
jmp compil.ch ; But otherwise it's a no-op, ignore it
.move: mov bl,al ; Otherwise, keep next character
cmp cx,4 ; If CX<4, a series of INC BX are best
mov al,43h ; INC BX
jb .wbyte
neg cx
cmp cx,4 ; If -CX<4, a series of DEC BX are best
mov al,4Bh ; DEC BX
jb .wbyte
neg cx
mov ax,0C381h ; ADD BX,
mov ax,cx ; tape movement
mov al,bl ; Move next character back into AL
jmp compil.ch ; Compile next command
.left: dec cx ; Left: decrement pointer
jmp .ch
.right: inc cx ; Right: increment pointer
jmp .ch
.wbyte: rep stosb ; Write AL, CX times.
mov al,bl ; Move next character back into AL
jmp compil.ch ; Compile next command
;;; Compile BF input
chin: mov al,2Eh ; CS segment override
mov ax,1EFFh ; CALL FAR PTR
mov ax,8 ; Pointer to input routine at address 8
jmp compil ; Compile next command
;;; Compile BF output
chout: mov al,2Eh ; CS segment override
mov ax,1EFFh ; CALL FAR PTR
mov ax,4 ; Pointer to output routine at address 4
jmp compil
;;; Compile start of loop
loops: cmp word [si],5D2Dh ; Are the next two characters '-]'?
je .zero ; Then just set the cell to zero
mov ax,078Ah ; Otherwise, write out a real loop
stosw ; ^- MOV AL,[BX]
mov ax,0C084h ; TEST AL,AL
mov ax,0575h ; JNZ loop-body
mov al,0B8h ; MOV AX, (simulate absolute near jmp)
xor ax,ax ; loop-end (we don't know it yet so 0)
mov ax,0E0FFh ; JMP AX
push di ; Store addr of loop body on stack
jmp compil ; Compile next command
.zero: mov ax,07C6h ; MOV BYTE [BX],
xor al,al ; 0
inc si ; Move past -]
inc si
jmp compil ; Compile next command
;;; Compile end of loop
loope: pop bx ; Retrieve address of loop body from stack
test bx,bx ; If it is zero, we've hit the top of stack
jz .ebrkt ; so the brackets aren't balanced.
mov ax,078Ah ; MOV AL,[BX]
mov ax,0C084h ; TEST AL,AL
mov ax,0574h ; JZ loop-end
mov al,0B8h ; MOV AX, (simulate absolute near jmp)
mov ax,bx ; loop-start
mov ax,0E0FFh ; JMP AX
mov [es:bx-4],di ; Store loop-end in matching loop start code
jmp compil
.ebrkt: mov dx,err.brk
jmp error
;;; Compilation is done.
cdone: mov al,2Eh ; Code to jump to cleanup routine
stosb ; ^- CS segment override
mov ax,2EFFh ; JMP FAR PTR
pop ax ; Should be zero if all loops closed
test ax,ax ; Were all loops closed?
jz .lp_ok
mov dx,err.brk ; If not, print error
jmp error
.lp_ok: mov [cs:cp],word 12 ; Make far pointer to start of BF code
mov [cs:cp+2],bp ; (which starts at ES:0C = BP:0C)
mov ax,ds ; Set both DS and ES to BF tape segment
mov es,ax ; (also the initial source segment)
xor ax,ax ; Clear the tape (set all bytes to zero)
mov cx,32768
rep stosw
xor bx,bx ; Tape begins at address 0
xor cx,cx ; No EOF and char buffer is empty
jmp far [cs:cp] ; Jump into the BF code
;;; BF program jumps here to stop the program
stop: mov ax,exit<<8|0 ; Quit to DOS with return code 0
int 21h
;;; Print error message in CS:DX and quit with errorlevel 2
error: push cs ; Set DS to CS
pop ds
mov ah,puts ; Print DS:DX
int 21h
mov ax,exit<<8|2 ; Quit to DOS
int 21h
;;; Output subroutine called by the BF program (far call)
bfout: mov ah,putch ; Prepare to write character
mov dl,[bx] ; Get character from tape
cmp dl,10 ; Is it LF?
jne .wr ; If not, just write it
mov dl,13 ; Otherwise, print CR first,
int 21h
mov dl,10 ; then LF.
.wr: int 21h ; Write character
;;; Input subroutine called by the BF program (far call)
;;; Buffered input with CR/LF translation
;;; Note: this keeps state in registers!
;;; CL = chars left in buffer, CH = set if EOF seen,
;;; SI = buffer pointer, ES = BF data segment
bfin: test ch,ch ; EOF seen?
jnz .r_eof
mov ax,cs ; Set DS to our segment
mov ds,ax
.getch: test cl,cl ; Characters left in buffer?
jnz .retch ; If so, return next character
mov bp,bx ; Keep BF tape pointer
mov ah,read ; Read
xor bx,bx ; From STDIN
mov cx,255 ; Max 255 characters
mov dx,ibuf ; Into the buffer
int 21h
mov bx,bp ; Restore tape pointer
jc .ioerr ; If carry set, I/O error
test ax,ax ; If nothing returned, EOF
jz .s_eof
mov cx,ax ; Otherwise, set character count,
mov si,ibuf ; set buffer pointer back to start,
jmp .getch ; and return first character from buffer.
.s_eof: inc ch ; We've seen EOF now
.r_eof: mov al,EOFCH ; Return EOF
jmp .ret
.retch: lodsb ; Get char from buffer
dec cl ; One fewer character left
cmp al,26 ; ^Z = EOF when reading from keyboard
je .s_eof
cmp al,10 ; If it is LF, ignore it and get another
je .getch
cmp al,13 ; If it is CR, return LF instead
jne .ret
mov al,10
.ret: mov dx,es ; Set DS back to BF's data segment
mov ds,dx
mov [bx],al ; Put character on tape
.ioerr: mov dx,err.io ; Print I/O error and quit
jmp error
section .data
bfchar: db '+-<>,.[]',0
err: ;;; Error messages
.usage: db 'BRAINFK PGM.B',13,10,10,9,'Run the BF program in PGM.B$'
.file: db 'Cannot read file$'
.brk: db 'Mismatched brackets$'
.mem: db 'Out of memory$'
.io: db 'I/O Error$'
section .bss
cp: resw 2 ; Far pointer to start of BF code
ibuf: resb 256 ; 255 char input buffer
stack: resw 512 ; 512 words for the stack
.top: equ $</lang>
<pre>C:\>type hello.bf
C:\>brainfk hello.bf
Hello World!
