<lang elena>#define system.

  1. define system'routines.
  2. define extensions'text.

// --- Tape ---

  1. class BFTape


   #field theArray.
   #field thePointer.
   #constructor new &length:aLength
       thePointer := Integer new:0.
       theArray := arrayControl new &length:aLength &each: n [ Integer new:0 ].
   #method bf_tape = $self.
   #method append
        (theArray@thePointer) += 1.
   #method reduce
        (theArray@thePointer) -= 1.
   #method next
       thePointer += 1.
   #method previous
       thePointer -= 1.
   #method input
       (theArray@thePointer) write &int:(console readChar).
   #method output
       console write:(CharValue new:(theArray@thePointer)).
   #method run : aLoop
       control while:[ 0 < (theArray@thePointer) ] &do: [ aLoop eval:self ].
   #method get = theArray@thePointer.


// --- LoopInterpreter ---

  1. class LoopInterpreter


   #field theLoopBody.
   #field theTape.
   #constructor new &tape:aTape
       theTape := aTape.
       theLoopBody := String new.
   #method bf_tape = theTape bf_tape.
   #method append
        theLoopBody += "+".
   #method reduce
        theLoopBody += "-".
   #method next
        theLoopBody += ">".
   #method previous
        theLoopBody += "<".
   #method input
        theLoopBody += ",".
   #method output
        theLoopBody += ".".
   #method repeatUntil
       theTape run: aTape [ interpreter'Interpreter new:aTape eval:theLoopBody ].
       ^ theTape.


// --- Interpreter ---

  1. class Interpreter


   #field theTape.
   #constructor new : aTape
       theTape := aTape.
   #method eval : anObject
       $self eval::anObject.
   #method eval &literal:aLiteral
       control foreach:aLiteral &do:$self.
   #method eval &char:aChar
       aChar =>
           ">" ? [ theTape next ]
           "<" ? [ theTape previous ]
           "+" ? [ theTape append ]
           "-" ? [ theTape reduce ]
           "." ? [ theTape output. ]
           "," ? [ theTape input. ]
           "[" ? [ theTape := LoopInterpreter new &tape:theTape. ]
           "]" ? [ theTape := theTape repeatUntil. ].


// --- Program ---

  1. symbol program =


   ('program'arguments length == 1)?
       [  console write:"Please provide the path to the file to interpret". #throw BreakException new. ].
   textFileControl forEachLine:('program'arguments@1) &do:(Interpreter new:(BFTape new &length:1024)).
