; Brainf*** Interpreter.ahk
; by wolf_II
; interpreter for Brainf*** code

Code = ; Goodbye, World!
        Example taken from RosettaCode:org


AutoExecute: ; auto-execute section of the script
    #SingleInstance, Force          ; only one instance allowed
    #NoEnv                          ; don't check empty variables
    AppName := "Brainf***"
    Gosub, GuiCreate
    Gui, Show,, %AppName%


GuiCreate: ; create the main window
    ; GUI options
    Gui, Margin,, 10
    Gui, Add, Edit, y0 h0 ; catch the focus

    ; Brainf*** Code
    Gui, Add, GroupBox, w462 h248, Brainf*** Code
    Gui, Font, s8, Courier New
    Gui, Add, Edit, xp+10 yp+20 w442 r15 vCode, %Code%
    Gui, Font ; normal

    ; buttons
    Gui, Add, Button, xm w101 h30, &Load Code
    Gui, Add, Button, x+19 wp hp, &Save Code As
    Gui, Add, Button, x+19 wp hp Default, &Run Code
    Gui, Add, Button, x+19 wp hp, E&xit

    ; Output
    Gui, Add, GroupBox, xm w462 h248, Output
    Gui, Font, s8, Courier New
    Gui, Add, Edit, xp+10 yp+20 w442 r15 ReadOnly vOutput HwndhOut
    Gui, Font ; normal


ButtonLoadCode: ; load code from file
    Gui, +OwnDialogs
    FileSelectFile, CodeFile,,, Load Brain*** Code, *.bf
    If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
        ; user dismissed the dialog
        Gui, Show
    If Not SubStr(CodeFile, -2) = ".bf"
        CodeFile .= ".bf"
    If FileExist(CodeFile) {
        FileRead, Code, %CodeFile%
        GuiControl,, Code, %Code%
    } Else
        MsgBox, 16, Error - %AppName%, File not found:`n`n"%CodeFile%"
    GuiControl,, Output ; clear all output
    Gui, Show


ButtonSaveCodeAs: ; save code to file
    Gui, +OwnDialogs
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    FileSelectFile, CodeFile, S16,, Brain*** Code, *.bf
    If (ErrorLevel = 1) {
        ; user dismissed the dialog
        Gui, Show
    If Not SubStr(CodeFile, -2) = ".bf"
        CodeFile .= ".bf"
    FileDelete, %CodeFile%
    FileAppend, %Code%, %CodeFile%
    Gui, Show


GuiClose:   ; {Alt-F4} pressed, [X] clicked
ButtonExit: ; Exit button clicked


ButtonRunCode: ; run the code from the edit field
    Gui, Submit, NoHide         ; get code from GUI
    Gosub, set_JumpPointers     ; set jump pointers
    GuiControl, Disable, Output
    GuiControl, Disable, &Load
    GuiControl, Disable, &Save
    GuiControl, Disable, &Run
    Gosub, Interpreter          ; do your stuff, kid
    GuiControl, Enable, Output
    GuiControl, Enable, &Load
    GuiControl, Enable, &Save
    GuiControl, Enable, &Run


Interpreter: ; This is the Brainf*** Interpreter
    ; setup BF environment
    VarSetCapacity(BF_MEM, 4096, 0)
    DataPtr := InstrPtr := 0

    Loop {

        ; read next instruction
        CMD := SubStr(Code, ++InstrPtr, 1)
        Data@Ptr := NumGet(BF_MEM, DataPtr, "Char")

        If (CMD = "+") ; increment the data at DataPointer
            NumPut(Data@Ptr + 1, BF_MEM, DataPtr, "Char")

        Else If (CMD = "-") ; decrement the data at DataPointer
            NumPut(Data@Ptr - 1, BF_MEM, DataPtr, "Char")

        Else If (CMD = ">") ; increment the DataPointer

        Else If (CMD = "<") ; decrement the DataPointer

        Else If (CMD = ".") ; print the char at DataPointer

        Else If (CMD = ",") ; get a char from stdin (keyboard)
            NumPut(GetChar(), BF_MEM, DataPtr, "Char")

        Else If (CMD = "[") { ; conditional jump
            If (Data@Ptr = 0)
                ; continue after the corresponding "]"
                InstrPtr := Jump[%InstrPtr%]

        } Else If (CMD = "]") { ; conditional jump
            If (Data@Ptr != 0)
                ; continue after the corresponding "["
                InstrPtr := Jump[%InstrPtr%]

        } Else If (CMD = "") ; this is the end of code


set_JumpPointers: ; setup all the jump pointers in two passes
    Loop, % Len := StrLen(Code) ; first pass
        If (CMD := SubStr(Code, A_Index, 1)) = "["
            Push("Stack", A_Index)
        Else If (CMD = "]")
            Jump[%A_Index%] := Pop("Stack")

    Loop, % Len ; second pass goes backwards
        If (CMD := SubStr(Code, Index:=Len-A_Index, 1)) = "]"
            Push("Stack", Index)
        Else If (CMD = "[")
            Jump[%Index%] := Pop("Stack")


GetChar() { ; retrieve a single char from StdIn (keyboard)
    Progress, b2 w150 zh0 fs9, Brainf*** Interpreter waits for input ...
    Input, InKey$, L1
    Progress, Off
    Return, Asc(InKey$)

Push(Stack, x) { ; push x onto stack named "Stack"
    local pos
    %Stack%_0 := pos := %Stack%_0 ? %Stack%_0 + 1 : 1
    %Stack%_%pos% := x

Pop(Stack) { ; pop value from stack named "Stack"
    local pos
    If (pos := %Stack%_0) < 1 ; already empty
        Return,, ErrorLevel := -1
    Return, %Stack%_%pos%, %Stack%_0--

Output(Text) { ; append text to output
    ; for non-interruptable output
    global hOut
    SendMessage, 0xC2,, &Text,, ahk_id %hOut% ; EM_REPLACESEL

;---------- end of file ----------------------------------------------------