Even or odd: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,004:
7 is odd
10 is even</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">
FOR i = 1 to 10
IF(i % 2 == 0)
PRINT i; " is even"
PRINT i; " is odd"
==={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}===
Line 1,253 ⟶ 1,264:
Outputs E if even, O if odd.
=={{header|Binary Lambda Calculus}}==
In lambda calculus, the oddness of a given church numeral n can be computed as n applications of <code>not</code> to <code>false</code>: <code>\n. n (\b\x\y. b y x) (\x\y.y)</code>, which in BLC is
<pre>00 01 01 10 0000000101111010110 000010</pre>
To compute the evenness, one need only replace <code>false</code> by <code>true</code>, i.e. replace the final 0 bit by 10.
Line 1,766 ⟶ 1,784:
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">var isOdd := (i mod 2)=1;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="easylang">
a = 13
if a mod 2 = 0
print a & " is even"
print a & " is odd"
Checks the least significant digit of a line.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sed">
g/(.*[13579])$/s//\1 is odd/
v/odd/s/(.*)/\1 is even/
<pre>$ cat even-odd.ed | ed -GlEs even-odd.input
Newline appended
1 is odd
3 is odd
5 is odd
9 is odd
23 is odd
9 is odd
0 is even
83 is odd
3 is odd
54 is even
6 is even
2 is even
7 is odd
433 is odd
78 is even</pre>
=={{header|EDSAC order code}}==
Line 2,184 ⟶ 2,244:
Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation &mdash;i.e. XML, JSON&mdash; they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.
Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its [https://formulae.org website], However they run on execution servers. By default remote servers are used, but they are limited in memory and processing power, since they are intended for demonstration and casual use. A local server can be downloaded and installed, it has no limitations (it runs in your own computer). Because of that, example programs can be fully visualized and edited, but some of them will not run if they require a moderate or heavy computation/memory resources, and no local server is being used.
In '''[https://formulae.org/?example=Even_or_odd this]''' page you can see the program(s) related to this task and their results.
'''Case 1.''' Intrinsic expressions:
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 01.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 02.png]]
'''Case 2.''' Using the Divides and DoesNotDivide expressions:
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 03.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 04.png]]
'''Case 3.''' Using modular congruences
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 05.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 06.png]]
'''Case 4.''' Using bitwise operations
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 07.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 08.png]]
'''Case 5.''' Using IsRational
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 09.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Even or odd 10.png]]
Line 2,333 ⟶ 2,422:
return n%2 = 0
Exactly the same as [[Even_or_odd#Clojure|Clojure]], these are built-in predicates.
<syntaxhighlight lang="insitux">(if (even? some-var) (do-even-stuff))
(if (odd? some-var) (do-odd-stuff))</syntaxhighlight>
Line 3,282 ⟶ 3,376:
<syntaxhighlight lang="parigp">odd(n)=bitand(n,1);</syntaxhighlight>
PARI can use the same method as [[#C|C]] for testing individual words. For multiprecision integers (t_INT), use <code>mpodd</code>. If the number is known to be nonzero, <code>mod2</code> is (insignificantly) faster.
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
function IsOddRemainder(x: integer) := x mod 2 <> 0;
function IsEvenRemainder(x: integer) := x mod 2 = 0;
function IsOddBitwise(x: integer) := x and 1 = 1;
function IsEvenBitwise(x: integer) := x and 1 = 0;
var x := 3;
Println(x.IsEven,x.IsOdd); // Standard Predicates
Line 4,144 ⟶ 4,257:
return true
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">
// Swift has Int.isMultiple(of:Int) -> Bool
var isEven: (_:Int) -> Bool = {$0.isMultiple(of: 2)}
Line 4,327 ⟶ 4,446:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
var isEven1 = Fn.new { |i| i & 1 == 0 }