Euler method: Difference between revisions

(added Fortran 2008 version)
(→‎{{header|Groovy}}: new solution)
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100.0 20.000 20.073
'''Generic Euler Method Solution'''
The following is a general solution for using the Euler method to produce a finite discrete sequence of points approximating the ODE solution for ''y'' as a function of ''x''.
In the ''eulerStep'' closure argument list: ''x<sub>n</sub>'' and ''y<sub>n</sub>'' together are the previous point in the sequence. ''h'' is the step distance to the next point's ''x'' value. ''dydx'' is a closure representing the derivative of ''y'' as a function of ''x'', itself expressed (as required by the method) as a function of ''x'' and ''y(x)''.
The ''eulerMapping'' closure produces an entire approximating sequence, expressed as a Map object. Here, ''x<sub>0</sub>'' and ''y<sub>0</sub>'' together are the first point in the sequence, the ODE initial conditions. ''h'' and ''dydx'' are again the step distance and the derivative closure. ''stopCond'' is a closure representing a "stop condition" that causes the the ''eulerMapping'' closure to stop after a finite number of steps; the given default value causes ''eulerMapping'' to stop after 100 steps.
<lang groovy>def eulerStep = { xn, yn, h, dydx ->
(yn + h * dydx(xn, yn)) as BigDecimal
Map eulerMapping = { x0, y0, h, dydx, stopCond = { xx, yy, hh, xx0 -> abs(xx - xx0) > (hh * 100) }.rcurry(h, x0) ->
Map yMap = [:]
yMap[x0] = y0 as BigDecimal
def x = x0
while (!stopCond(x, yMap[x])) {
yMap[x + h] = eulerStep(x, yMap[x], h, dydx)
x += h
assert eulerMapping.maximumNumberOfParameters == 5</lang>
'''Specific Euler Method Solution for the "Temperature Diffusion" Problem''' (with Newton's derivative formula and constants for environment temperature and object conductivity given)
<lang groovy>def dtdsNewton = { s, t, tR, k -> k * (tR - t) }
assert dtdsNewton.maximumNumberOfParameters == 4
def dtds = dtdsNewton.rcurry(20, 0.07)
assert dtds.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2
def tEulerH = eulerMapping.rcurry(dtds) { s, t -> s >= 100 }
assert tEulerH.maximumNumberOfParameters == 3</lang>
'''Newton's Analytic Temperature Diffusion Solution''' (for comparison)
<lang groovy>def tNewton = { s, s0, t0, tR, k ->
tR + (t0 - tR) * Math.exp(k * (s0 - s))
assert tNewton.maximumNumberOfParameters == 5
def tAnalytic = tNewton.rcurry(0, 100, 20, 0.07)
assert tAnalytic.maximumNumberOfParameters == 1</lang>
'''Specific solutions for 3 step sizes''' (and initial time and temperature)
<lang groovy>[10, 5, 2].each { h ->
def tEuler = tEulerH.rcurry(h)
assert tEuler.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2
def tMap = tEuler(0, 100)
println """
STEP SIZE == ${h}
time analytic euler relative
(seconds) (°C) (°C) error
-------- -------- -------- ---------"""
tMap.each { BigDecimal s, tE ->
def tA = tAnalytic(s)
def relError = ((tE - tA)/(tA - 20)).abs()
printf('%5.0f %8.4f %8.4f %9.6f\n', s, tA, tE, relError)
'''Selected output'''
<pre>STEP SIZE == 10
time analytic euler relative
(seconds) (°C) (°C) error
-------- -------- -------- ---------
0 100.0000 100.0000 0.000000
10 59.7268 44.0000 0.395874
20 39.7278 27.2000 0.635032
30 29.7965 22.1600 0.779513
40 24.8648 20.6480 0.866798
50 22.4158 20.1944 0.919529
60 21.1996 20.0583 0.951386
70 20.5957 20.0175 0.970631
80 20.2958 20.0052 0.982257
90 20.1469 20.0016 0.989281
100 20.0730 20.0005 0.993524
time analytic euler relative
(seconds) (°C) (°C) error
-------- -------- -------- ---------
0 100.0000 100.0000 0.000000
... yada, yada, yada ...
100 20.0730 20.0145 0.801240
time analytic euler relative
(seconds) (°C) (°C) error
-------- -------- -------- ---------
0 100.0000 100.0000 0.000000
... yada, yada, yada ...
100 20.0730 20.0425 0.417918</pre>
Notice how the relative error in the Euler method sequences increases over time in spite of the fact that all three the Euler approximations and the analytic solution are approaching the same asymptotic limit of 20°C.
Notice also how smaller step size reduces the relative error in the approximation.
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