Euler's sum of powers conjecture: Difference between revisions

Line 1,446:
<lang Nim>
# Brute force approach
import times
# assumes an array of non-decreasing positive integers
proc binarySearch(a : openArray[int], target : int) : int =
var left, right, mid : int
left = 0
right = len(a) - 1
while true :
if left > right : return 0 # no match found
mid = (left + right) div 2
if a[mid] < target :
left = mid + 1
elif a[mid] > target :
right = mid - 1
else :
return mid # match found
p5 : array[250, int]
sum = 0
y, t1 : int
let t0 = cpuTime()
for i in 1 .. 249 :
p5[i] = i * i * i * i * i
for x0 in 1 .. 249 :
for x1 in 1 .. x0 - 1 :
for x2 in 1 .. x1 - 1 :
for x3 in 1 .. x2 - 1 :
sum = p5[x0] + p5[x1] + p5[x2] + p5[x3]
y = binarySearch(p5, sum)
if y > 0 :
t1 = int((cputime() - t0) * 1000.0)
echo "Time : ", t1, " milliseconds"
echo $x0 & "^5 + " & $x1 & "^5 + " & $x2 & "^5 + " & $x3 & "^5 = " & $y & "^5"
if y == 0 :
echo "No solution was found"
Time : 156 milliseconds
133^5 + 110^5 + 84^5 + 27^5 = 144^5
