Ethiopian multiplication: Difference between revisions

m (Formatting of header material)
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return 0;
{{works with|Fortran|90 and later}}
<lang fortran>program EthiopicMult
implicit none
print *, ethiopic(17, 34, .true.)
subroutine halve(v)
integer, intent(inout) :: v
v = int(v / 2)
end subroutine halve
subroutine doublit(v)
integer, intent(inout) :: v
v = v * 2
end subroutine doublit
function iseven(x)
logical :: iseven
integer, intent(in) :: x
iseven = mod(x, 2) == 0
end function iseven
function ethiopic(multiplier, multiplicand, tutorialized) result(r)
integer :: r
integer, intent(in) :: multiplier, multiplicand
logical, intent(in), optional :: tutorialized
integer :: plier, plicand
logical :: tutor
plier = multiplier
plicand = multiplicand
if ( .not. present(tutorialized) ) then
tutor = .false.
tutor = tutorialized
r = 0
if ( tutor ) write(*, '(A, I0, A, I0)') "ethiopian multiplication of ", plier, " by ", plicand
do while(plier >= 1)
if ( iseven(plier) ) then
if (tutor) write(*, '(I4, " ", I6, A)') plier, plicand, " struck"
if (tutor) write(*, '(I4, " ", I6, A)') plier, plicand, " kept"
r = r + plicand
call halve(plier)
call doublit(plicand)
end do
end function ethiopic
end program EthiopicMult</lang>