Empty directory: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm>mov ax,seg dirname ;load into AX the segment where dirname is stored.
mov ds,ax ;load the segment register DS with the segment of dirname
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset dirname ;load into AX the offset of dirname
mov ah,39h ;0x39 is the interrupt code for remove directory
mov ah,39h
int 21h ;sets carry if error is encountered. error code will be in axAX.
;If carry is clear the remove was successful
jc error
mov ah,4Ch ;return function
error: ;put your error handler here
mov al,0 ;required return code
int 21h ;return to DOS
error: ;put your error handler here
dirname db "GAMES"</lang>
mov ah,4Ch ;return function
mov al,0 ;required return code
int 21h ;return to DOS
dirname db "GAMES"</lang>
