Emirp primes: Difference between revisions

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<lang rsplus>

emirp <- function(start = 1, end = Inf, howmany = Inf, ignore = 0) {
count <- 0
p <- start

while (count<howmany+ignore && p <= end) {
p <- nextprime(p)
p_reverse <- as.bigz(paste0(rev(unlist(strsplit(as.character(p), ""))), collapse = ""))
if (p != p_reverse && isprime(p_reverse) > 0) {
if (count >= ignore) cat(as.character(p)," ",sep="")
count <- count + 1
cat("First 20 emirps: ")
emirp(howmany = 20)

cat("Emirps between 7700 and 8000: ")
emirp(start = 7700, end = 8000)

cat("The 10000th emirp: ")
emirp(ignore = 9999, howmany = 1)
First 20 emirps: 13 17 31 37 71 73 79 97 107 113 149 157 167 179 199 311 337 347 359 389
Emirps between 7700 and 8000: 7717 7757 7817 7841 7867 7879 7901 7927 7949 7951 7963
The 10000th emirp: 948349
This implementation seems to have exploded somewhat due to
This implementation seems to have exploded somewhat due to