Emirp primes: Difference between revisions

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m Adding the output for the second program.
Davgot (talk | contribs)
Line 853:
10,000th emirp:
Keeps a pair of numbers on the stack to represent a generator. This generator approach means that all tasks start from the first Emirp (13), even task 2.
<lang Forth>
#! /usr/bin/gforth-fast
: reverse ( n -- n )
0 swap
10 /mod >r swap 10 * +
r> dup 0= until drop ;
: 2^ 1 swap lshift ;
create 235-wheel 6 c, 4 c, 2 c, 4 c, 2 c, 4 c, 6 c, 2 c,
does> swap 7 and + c@ ;
0 1 2constant init-235 \ roll 235 wheel at position 1
2 11 2constant emirp-start \ starting position to roll wheel for emirp search.
: next-235 over 235-wheel + swap 1+ swap ;
\ check that n is prime excepting multiples of 2, 3, 5.
: sq dup * ;
: wheel-prime? ( n -- f )
>r init-235 begin
dup sq r@ > if rdrop 2drop true exit then
r@ over mod 0= if rdrop 2drop false exit then
again ;
: prime? ( n -- f )
dup 2 <
if drop false
dup 1 and 0=
if 2 =
else dup 3 mod 0=
if 3 =
else dup 5 mod 0=
if 5 =
else wheel-prime?
then ;
: emirp? ( n -- f )
dup reverse 2dup <>
swap prime? and
swap wheel-prime? and ;
: next-emirp ( m n -- m n p2 )
dup emirp? until ;
: task1
cr ." The first 20 emirps are: " 0 { count }
emirp-start begin
next-emirp dup .
count 1+ dup to count
20 = until 2drop ;
: task2
cr ." emirps between 7700 and 8000: "
emirp-start begin
next-emirp dup 7700 8000 within if dup . then
dup 8000 > until 2drop ;
: task3
cr ." The 10,000th emirp is " 0 { count }
emirp-start begin
count 1+ dup to count
10000 = until nip . ;
task1 task2 task3
cr bye
The first 20 emirps are: 13 17 31 37 71 73 79 97 107 113 149 157 167 179 199 311 337 347 359 389
emirps between 7700 and 8000: 7717 7757 7817 7841 7867 7879 7901 7927 7949 7951 7963
The 10,000th emirp is 948349