Elliptic curve arithmetic: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
Line 1,029:
a + b + d = Zero
a * 12345 = (10.759,35.387)</pre>
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
{{works with|jq}}
''Also works with gojq and fq''
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
def round($ndec): pow(10;$ndec) as $p | . * $p | round / $p;
def idiv2: (. - (. % 2)) / 2;
def bitwise:
recurse( if . >= 2 then idiv2 else empty end) | . % 2;
def bitwise_and_nonzero($x; $y):
[$x|bitwise] as $x
| [$y|bitwise] as $y
| ([$x, $y] | map(length) | min) as $min
| any(range(0; $min) ; $x[.] == 1 and $y[.] == 1);
'''Elliptic Curve Arithmetic'''
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
def Pt(x;y): [x, y];
def isPt: type == "array" and length == 2 and (map(type)|unique) == ["number"];
def zero: Pt(infinite; infinite);
def isZero: .[0] | (isinfinite or . == 0);
def C: 7;
def fromNum: Pt((.*. - C)|cbrt; .) ;
def double:
if isZero then .
else . as [$x,$y]
| ((3 * ($x * $x)) / (2 * .[1])) as $l
| ($l*$l - 2*$x) as $t
| Pt($t; $l*($x - $t) - $y)
def minus: .[1] *= -1;
def plus($other):
if ($other|isPt|not) then "Argument of plus(Pt) must be a Pt object but got \(.)." | error
elif (.[0] == $other[0] and .[1] == $other[1]) then double
elif isZero then $other
elif ($other|isZero) then .
else . as [$x, $y]
| (if $other[0] == $x then infinite
else (($other[1] - $y) / ($other[0] - $x)) end) as $l
| ($l*$l - $x - $other[0]) as $t
| Pt($t; $l*($x-$t) - $y)
def plus($a; $b): $a | plus($b);
def mult($n):
if ($n|type) != "number" or ($n | ( . != floor))
then "Argument must be an integer, not \($n)." | error
else { r: zero,
p: .,
i: 1 }
| until (.i > $n;
if bitwise_and_nonzero(.i; $n) then .r = plus(.r;.p) else . end
| .p |= double
| .i *= 2 )
| .r
def toString:
if isZero then "Zero"
else map(round(3))
def a: 1|fromNum;
def b: 2|fromNum;
def c: plus(a; b);
def d: c | minus;
def task:
"a = \(a|toString)",
"b = \(b|toString)",
"c = a + b = \(c|toString)",
"d = -c = \(d|toString)",
"c + d = \(plus(c; d)|toString)",
"(a+b) + d = \(plus(plus(a; b);d)|toString)",
"a * 12345 = \(a | mult(12345) | toString)"
a = [-1.817,1]
b = [-1.442,2]
c = a + b = [10.375,-33.525]
d = -c = [10.375,33.525]
c + d = Zero
(a+b) + d = Zero
a * 12345 = [10.759,35.387]
