Element-wise operations: Difference between revisions

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m1 % m2 = Matrix[[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]
<lang rust>struct Matrix {
elements: Vec<f32>,
pub height: u32,
pub width: u32,
impl Matrix {
fn new(elements: Vec<f32>, height: u32, width: u32) -> Matrix {
// Should check for dimensions but omitting to be succient
Matrix {
elements: elements,
height: height,
width: width,
fn get(&self, row: u32, col: u32) -> f32 {
let row = row as usize;
let col = col as usize;
self.elements[col + row * (self.width as usize)]
fn set(&mut self, row: u32, col: u32, value: f32) {
let row = row as usize;
let col = col as usize;
self.elements[col + row * (self.width as usize)] = value;
fn print(&self) {
for row in 0..self.height {
for col in 0..self.width {
print!("{:3.0}", self.get(row, col));
// Matrix addition will perform element-wise addition
fn matrix_addition(first: &Matrix, second: &Matrix) -> Result<Matrix, String> {
if first.width == second.width && first.height == second.height {
let mut result = Matrix::new(vec![0.0f32; (first.height * first.width) as usize],
for row in 0..first.height {
for col in 0..first.width {
let first_value = first.get(row, col);
let second_value = second.get(row, col);
result.set(row, col, first_value + second_value);
} else {
Err("Dimensions don't match".to_owned())
fn scalar_multiplication(scalar: f32, matrix: &Matrix) -> Matrix {
let mut result = Matrix::new(vec![0.0f32; (matrix.height * matrix.width) as usize],
for row in 0..matrix.height {
for col in 0..matrix.width {
let value = matrix.get(row, col);
result.set(row, col, scalar * value);
// Subtract second from first
fn matrix_subtraction(first: &Matrix, second: &Matrix) -> Result<Matrix, String> {
if first.width == second.width && first.height == second.height {
let negative_matrix = scalar_multiplication(-1.0, second);
let result = matrix_addition(first, &negative_matrix).unwrap();
} else {
Err("Dimensions don't match".to_owned())
// First must be a l x m matrix and second a m x n matrix for this to work.
fn matrix_multiplication(first: &Matrix, second: &Matrix) -> Result<Matrix, String> {
if first.width == second.height {
let mut result = Matrix::new(vec![0.0f32; (first.height * second.width) as usize],
for row in 0..result.height {
for col in 0..result.width {
let mut value = 0.0;
for it in 0..first.width {
value += first.get(row, it) * second.get(it, col);
result.set(row, col, value);
} else {
Err("Dimensions don't match. Width of first must equal height of second".to_owned())
fn main() {
let height = 2;
let width = 3;
// Matrix will look like:
// | 1.0 2.0 3.0 |
// | 4.0 5.0 6.0 |
let matrix1 = Matrix::new(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], height, width);
// Matrix will look like:
// | 6.0 5.0 4.0 |
// | 3.0 2.0 1.0 |
let matrix2 = Matrix::new(vec![6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0], height, width);
// | 7.0 7.0 7.0 |
// | 7.0 7.0 7.0 |
matrix_addition(&matrix1, &matrix2).unwrap().print();
// | 2.0 4.0 6.0 |
// | 8.0 10.0 12.0 |
scalar_multiplication(2.0, &matrix1).print();
// | -5.0 -3.0 -1.0 |
// | 1.0 3.0 5.0 |
matrix_subtraction(&matrix1, &matrix2).unwrap().print();
// | 1.0 |
// | 1.0 |
// | 1.0 |
let matrix3 = Matrix::new(vec![1.0, 1.0, 1.0], width, 1);
// | 6 |
// | 15 |
matrix_multiplication(&matrix1, &matrix3).unwrap().print();
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