(Redirected from Ecere C)

This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Garbage collected: | No |
Parameter passing methods: | By reference, By value |
Type safety: | Unsafe |
Type strength: | Weak |
Type compatibility: | Nominative |
Type expression: | Explicit |
Type checking: | Dynamic, Static |
See Also: |
eC (Ecere C) is an object-oriented language derived from and compatible with compatible with::C designed and developed by Ecere Corporation. It aims at being fast, light and easy to write.
It is supported by a cross-platform runtime library including its own GUI toolkit, 2D/3D graphics engine as well as networking support.
The Ecere SDK is completely free and includes a full-featured Integrated Development Environment as well as a compiling tools for the eC language.
Some of eC Features
- Full C compatibility (Only exception: few additional reserved keywords such as 'class')
- Object-oriented class definitions supporting single inheritance
- Per instance virtual methods
- Import feature removing the need for header files
- Properties
- Automatic conversions
- Context sensitive enumerations
- Component object model enabling dynamic lookup of classes, methods, objects serialization and broking, runtime code class aggregation
Sample Code
Properties & Conversions in eC
class Pen { Color color; public property Color color { get { return color; } set { color = value; } } } // Example Usage Pen pen { red }; Pen pen { color = red }; pen.color = ~pen.color; pen.color += 10; pen.color.r = 255; pen.color = 0xFF0000; pen.color = { 255, 0, 0 }; pen.color = ColorHSV { 0, 100, 100 }; pen.color = ColorLab { 53, 79, 66 }; pen.color = ColorCMYK { 0, 100, 100, 0 };
External links
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- EC Implementations (empty)
- EC User (empty)
Pages in category "EC"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.