Eban numbers: Difference between revisions

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(Eban numbers en FreeBASIC)
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=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<lang vbnet>Module Module1
Structure Interval
Dim start As Integer
Dim last As Integer
Dim print As Boolean
Sub New(s As Integer, l As Integer, p As Boolean)
start = s
last = l
print = p
End Sub
End Structure
Sub Main()
Dim intervals As Interval() = {
New Interval(2, 1_000, True),
New Interval(1_000, 4_000, True),
New Interval(2, 10_000, False),
New Interval(2, 100_000, False),
New Interval(2, 1_000_000, False),
New Interval(2, 10_000_000, False),
New Interval(2, 100_000_000, False),
New Interval(2, 1_000_000_000, False)
For Each intv In intervals
If intv.start = 2 Then
Console.WriteLine("eban numbers up to and including {0}:", intv.last)
Console.WriteLine("eban numbers between {0} and {1} (inclusive):", intv.start, intv.last)
End If
Dim count = 0
For i = intv.start To intv.last Step 2
Dim b = i \ 1_000_000_000
Dim r = i Mod 1_000_000_000
Dim m = r \ 1_000_000
r = i Mod 1_000_000
Dim t = r \ 1_000
r = r Mod 1_000
If m >= 30 AndAlso m <= 66 Then
m = m Mod 10
End If
If t >= 30 AndAlso t <= 66 Then
t = t Mod 10
End If
If r >= 30 AndAlso r <= 66 Then
r = r Mod 10
End If
If b = 0 OrElse b = 2 OrElse b = 4 OrElse b = 6 Then
If m = 0 OrElse m = 2 OrElse m = 4 OrElse m = 6 Then
If t = 0 OrElse t = 2 OrElse t = 4 OrElse t = 6 Then
If r = 0 OrElse r = 2 OrElse r = 4 OrElse r = 6 Then
If intv.print Then
Console.Write("{0} ", i)
End If
count += 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
If intv.print Then
End If
Console.WriteLine("count = {0}", count)
End Sub
End Module</lang>
<pre>eban numbers up to and including 1000:
2 4 6 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46 50 52 54 56 60 62 64 66
count = 19
eban numbers between 1000 and 4000 (inclusive):
2000 2002 2004 2006 2030 2032 2034 2036 2040 2042 2044 2046 2050 2052 2054 2056 2060 2062 2064 2066 4000
count = 21
eban numbers up to and including 10000:
count = 79
eban numbers up to and including 100000:
count = 399
eban numbers up to and including 1000000:
count = 399
eban numbers up to and including 10000000:
count = 1599
eban numbers up to and including 100000000:
count = 7999
eban numbers up to and including 1000000000:
count = 7999</pre>