Dutch national flag problem: Difference between revisions

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m (deleted first line of the entry text as suggested by Paddy3118)
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To understand ''why'' Dijsktra was interested in the problem, here's an example showing difficiency of using generic sort:
<lang haskell>import Data.List (sort)

inorder n = and $ zipWith (<=) n (tail n) -- or use Data.List.Ordered

mk012 :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -- definitely unordered
mk012 n = (++[0]).(2:).map (`mod` 3).take n.frr where
-- frr = Fast Rubbish Randoms
frr n = r:frr r where r = n * 7 + 13

dutch1 n = (filter (==0) n)++(filter (==1) n)++(filter (==2) n)

dutch2 n = tric [] [] [] n where -- scan list once; it *may* help
tric a b c [] = a++b++c
tric a b c (x:xs) = case x of
0 -> tric (x:a) b c xs
1 -> tric a (x:b) c xs
2 -> tric a b (x:c) xs

main = do -- 3 methods, comment/uncomment each for speed comparisons
-- print $ inorder $ sort s -- O(n log n)
-- print $ inorder $ dutch1 s -- O(n)
print $ inorder $ dutch2 s -- O(n)
where s = mk012 10000000 42</lang>
