Draw a sphere: Difference between revisions

Added Algol W
(Added Rust solution)
(Added Algol W)
Line 64:
end Main;
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
{{Trans|AWK}} with some changes inspired by other samples.
<lang algolw>begin
% draw a sphere %
% returns the next integer larger than x or x if x is an integer %
integer procedure ceil( real value x ) ;
integer tmp;
tmp := truncate( x );
if tmp not = x then tmp + 1 else tmp
end ciel ;
% returns the absolute value of the dot product of x and y or 0 if it is not negative %
real procedure dot( real array x, y ( * ) ) ;
real tmp;
tmp := x( 1 ) * y( 1 ) + x( 2 ) * y( 2 ) + x( 3 ) * y( 3 );
if tmp < 0 then - tmp else 0
end dot ;
% normalises the vector v %
procedure normalize( real array v ( * ) ) ;
real tmp;
tmp := sqrt( v( 1 ) * v( 1 ) + v( 2 ) * v( 2 ) + v( 3 ) * v( 3 ) );
for i := 1 until 3 do v( i ) := v( i ) / tmp
end normalize ;
% draws a sphere using ASCII art %
procedure drawSphere( real value radius
; integer value k
; real value ambient
; real array light ( * )
; string(10) value shades
) ;
real array vec ( 1 :: 3 );
integer intensity, maxShades;
real diameter, r2;
maxShades := 9;
diameter := 2 * radius;
r2 := radius * radius;
for i := entier( - radius ) until ceil( radius ) do begin
real x, x2;
integer linePos;
string(256) line;
linePos := 0;
x := i + 0.5;
x2 := x * x;
line := "";
for j := entier( - diameter ) until ceil( diameter ) do begin
real y, y2;
y := j / 2 + 0.5;
y2 := y * y;
if x2 + y2 <= r2 then begin
real b, dp;
vec( 1 ) := x;
vec( 2 ) := y;
vec( 3 ) := sqrt( r2 - x2 - y2 );
normalize( vec );
dp := dot( light, vec );
b := dp;
for p := 2 until k do b := b * dp;
b := b + ambient;
intensity := round( ( 1 - b ) * maxShades );
if intensity < 0 then intensity := 0;
if intensity > maxShades then intensity := maxShades;
line( linePos // 1 ) := shades( intensity // 1 );
else line( linePos // 1 ) := " "
if linePos < 255 then linePos := linePos + 1
end for_j ;
write( s_w := 0, line( 0 // 1 ) );
for c := 1 until if linePos > 255 then 255 else linePos - 1 do writeon( s_w := 0, line( c // 1 ) )
end for_i
end drawSphere ;
% test drawSphere %
real array light ( 1 :: 3 );
integer maxShades;
light( 1 ) := 30;
light( 2 ) := 30;
light( 3 ) := -59;
normalize( light );
drawSphere( 20, 4, 0.1, light, ".:!*oe&#%@" );
drawSphere( 10, 2, 0.4, light, ".:!*oe&#%@" )
end test
