Draw a sphere: Difference between revisions

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(added FreeBasic version, change existing version from FreeBASIC to Works with FreeBASIC)
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<lang fb>'Sphere for FreeBASIC May 2015
<lang FreeBASIC>' "\" = a integer division (CPU)
' "/" = a floating point division (FPU)
' the compiler takes care of the conversion between floating point and integer
' compile with: FBC -s console "filename.bas" or FBC -s GUI "filename.bas"
' filename is whatever name you give it, .bas is mandatory

' Sphere using XPL0 code from rosetacode sphere page
' Altered freebasic version to compile in default mode
#Define W 640
#Define H 480

ScreenRes W, H, 32 ' set 640x480x32 graphics mode, 32 bits color mode
WindowTitle "32 bpp Cyan Sphere FreeBASIC"

' wait until keypress
' Color(RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,0,0)) ' default white foreground, black background
Locate 50,2
Print "Enter any key to start"

Dim As UInteger R = 100, R2 = R * R ' radius, in pixels; radius squared
Dim As UInteger X0 = W \ 2, Y0 = H \ 2 ' coordinates of center of screen
Dim As Integer X, Y, C, D2 ' coords, color, distance from center squared
For Y = -R To R ' for all the coordinates near the circle
For X = -R To R ' which is under the sphere
D2 = X * X + Y * Y
If D2 <= R2 Then ' coordinate is inside circle under sphere
' height of point on surface of sphere above X,Y
C = Sqr(R2 - D2) - ( X + Y) / 2 + 130 ' color is proportional; offset X and Y, and

Color C Shl 8 + C ' = color RGB(0, C, C)
' green + blue = cyan
PSet(X + X0, Y + Y0)
End If

' wait until keypress
Locate 50,2
Color(RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,0,0)) ' foreground color is changed
Print "Enter any key to exit "
{{works with|FreeBASIC}}
needs #Lang "fblite", #Lang "qb" or #Lang "deprecated" to compile.
<lang FreeBASIC>'Sphere for FreeBASIC May 2015
'Sphere using XPL0 code from rossetacode sphere page
'Sphere using XPL0 code from rosetacode sphere page
screenres 640,480,32 '\set 640x480x32 graphics mode
screenres 640,480,32 '\set 640x480x32 graphics mode