Draw a sphere: Difference between revisions

5,871 bytes removed ,  9 years ago
Line 161:
<lang darkbasic>MAKE OBJECT SPHERE 1,1</lang>
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
Using Direct3D.
<lang bbcbasic> MODE 8
SYS "LoadLibrary", @lib$+"D3DX8BBC.DLL" TO d3dx%
IF d3dx%=0 ERROR 100, "Couldn't load D3DX8BBC.DLL"
SYS "GetProcAddress", d3dx%, "D3DXCreateSphere" TO `D3DXCreateSphere`
SYS "GetProcAddress", d3dx%, "D3DXMatrixLookAtLH" TO `D3DXMatrixLookAtLH`
SYS "GetProcAddress", d3dx%, "D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH" TO `D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH`
DIM eyepos%(2), lookat%(2), up%(2), mat%(3,3)
DIM D3Dlight8{Type%, Diffuse{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Specular{r%,g%,b%,a%}, \
\ Ambient{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Position{x%,y%,z%}, Direction{x%,y%,z%}, \
\ Range%, Falloff%, Attenuation0%, Attenuation1%, Attenuation2%, \
\ Theta%, Phi%}
DIM D3Dmaterial8{Diffuse{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Ambient{r%,g%,b%,a%}, \
\ Specular{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Emissive{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Power%}
DIM D3Dbasemesh8{QueryInterface%, Addref%, Release%, \
\ DrawSubset%, GetNumFaces%, GetNumVertices%, GetFVF%, \
\ GetDeclaration%, GetOptions%, GetDevice%, \
\ CloneMeshFVF%, CloneMesh%, GetVertexBuffer%, GetIndexBuffer%, \
\ LockVertexBuffer%, UnlockVertexBuffer%, LockIndexBuffer%, \
\ UnlockIndexBuffer%, GetAttributeTable%}
DIM D3Ddevice8{QueryInterface%, AddRef%, Release%, TestCooperativeLevel%, \
\ GetAvailableTextureMem%, ResourceManagerDiscardBytes%, GetDirect3D%, \
\ GetDeviceCaps%, GetDisplayMode%, GetCreationParameters%, SetCursorProperties%, \
\ SetCursorPosition%, ShowCursor%, CreateAdditionalSwapChain%, Reset%, \
\ Present%, GetBackBuffer%, GetRasterStatus%, SetGammaRamp%, GetGammaRamp%, \
\ CreateTexture%, CreateVolumeTexture%, CreateCubeTexture%, CreateVertexBuffer%, \
\ CreateIndexBuffer%, CreateRenderTarget%, CreateDepthStencilSurface%, \
\ CreateImageSurface%, CopyRects%, UpdateTexture%, GetFrontBuffer%, \
\ SetRenderTarget%, GetRenderTarget%, GetDepthStencilSurface%, BeginScene%, \
\ EndScene%, Clear%, SetTransform%, GetTransform%, MultiplyTransform%, \
\ SetViewport%, GetViewport%, SetMaterial%, GetMaterial%, SetLight%, GetLight%, \
\ LightEnable%, GetLightEnable%, SetClipPlane%, GetClipPlane%, SetRenderState%, \
\ GetRenderState%, BeginStateBlock%, EndStateBlock%, ApplyStateBlock%, \
\ CaptureStateBlock%, DeleteStateBlock%, CreateStateBlock%, SetClipStatus%, \
\ GetClipStatus%, GetTexture%, SetTexture%, GetTextureStageState%, \
\ SetTextureStageState%, ValidateDevice%, GetInfo%, SetPaletteEntries%, \
\ GetPaletteEntries%, SetCurrentTexturePalette%, GetCurrentTexturePalette%, \
\ DrawPrimitive%, DrawIndexedPrimitive%, DrawPrimitiveUP%, \
\ DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP%, ProcessVertices%, CreateVertexShader%, \
\ SetVertexShader%, GetVertexShader%, DeleteVertexShader%, \
\ SetVertexShaderConstant%, GetVertexShaderConstant%, GetVertexShaderDeclaration%, \
\ GetVertexShaderFunction%, SetStreamSource%, GetStreamSource%, SetIndices%, \
\ GetIndices%, CreatePixelShader%, SetPixelShader%, GetPixelShader%, \
\ DeletePixelShader%, SetPixelShaderConstant%, GetPixelShaderConstant%, \
\ GetPixelShaderFunction%, DrawRectPatch%, DrawTriPatch%, DeletePatch%}
pDevice%=FN_initd3d(@hwnd%, 1, 1)
IF pDevice%=0 ERROR 100, "Couldn't create Direct3D8 device"
!(^D3Ddevice8{}+4) = !pDevice%
SYS `D3DXCreateSphere`, pDevice%, FN_f4(1), 50, 50, ^meshSphere%, 0
IF meshSphere% = 0 ERROR 100, "D3DXCreateSphere failed"
!(^D3Dbasemesh8{}+4) = !meshSphere%
REM. Point-source light:
D3Dlight8.Type%=1 : REM. point source
D3Dlight8.Diffuse.r% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Diffuse.g% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Diffuse.b% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Specular.r% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Specular.g% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Specular.b% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Position.x% = FN_f4(2)
D3Dlight8.Position.y% = FN_f4(1)
D3Dlight8.Position.z% = FN_f4(4)
D3Dlight8.Range% = FN_f4(10)
D3Dlight8.Attenuation0% = FN_f4(1)
REM. Material:
D3Dmaterial8.Diffuse.r% = FN_f4(0.2)
D3Dmaterial8.Diffuse.g% = FN_f4(0.6)
D3Dmaterial8.Diffuse.b% = FN_f4(1.0)
D3Dmaterial8.Specular.r% = FN_f4(0.4)
D3Dmaterial8.Specular.g% = FN_f4(0.4)
D3Dmaterial8.Specular.b% = FN_f4(0.4)
D3Dmaterial8.Power% = FN_f4(100)
fovy = RAD(30)
aspect = 5/4
znear = 1
zfar = 1000
bkgnd% = &7F7F7F
eyepos%() = 0, 0, FN_f4(6)
lookat%() = 0, 0, 0
up%() = 0, FN_f4(1), 0
SYS D3Ddevice8.Clear%, pDevice%, 0, 0, 3, bkgnd%, FN_f4(1), 0
SYS D3Ddevice8.BeginScene%, pDevice%
SYS D3Ddevice8.SetLight%, pDevice%, 0, D3Dlight8{}
SYS D3Ddevice8.LightEnable%, pDevice%, 0, 1
SYS D3Ddevice8.SetMaterial%, pDevice%, D3Dmaterial8{}
SYS D3Ddevice8.SetRenderState%, pDevice%, D3DRS_SPECULARENABLE, 1
SYS `D3DXMatrixLookAtLH`, ^mat%(0,0), ^eyepos%(0), ^lookat%(0), ^up%(0)
SYS D3Ddevice8.SetTransform%, pDevice%, D3DTS_VIEW, ^mat%(0,0)
SYS `D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH`, ^mat%(0,0), FN_f4(fovy), \
\ FN_f4(aspect), FN_f4(znear), FN_f4(zfar)
SYS D3Ddevice8.SetTransform%, pDevice%, D3DTS_PROJECTION, ^mat%(0,0)
SYS D3Dbasemesh8.DrawSubset%, meshSphere%, 0
SYS D3Ddevice8.EndScene%, pDevice%
SYS D3Ddevice8.Present%, pDevice%, 0, 0, 0, 0
SYS D3Ddevice8.Release%, pDevice%
SYS D3Dbasemesh8.Release%, meshSphere%
SYS "FreeLibrary", d3dx%
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